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STATE Magazine 2017-05-31T19:43:25+00:00
STATE Magazine

Are you interested in learning more about the U.S. Department of State, and how it manages to promote democracy abroad? Perhaps you’d like to hear about the interesting and unique ways that Foreign Service Officers immerse themselves in the language and culture of their host country. Or maybe you’d just like to experience the awe and beauty of Thailand and other countries in living color, courtesy of the Post of the Month feature. As a reader of STATE Magazine, you can explore these topics and more.

The Bureau of Human Resources, Office of Employee Relations (HR/ER/SMG), publishes STATE Magazine monthly. The magazine features developments affecting operations and personnel worldwide and serves to facilitate communication between management and employees.

This full-color magazine is filled with striking photography and rich, first person accounts that offer a glimpse into the personal and professional journeys of Department employees both here and abroad.

View or download new or back issues of State Magazine.