Gifts & Books for WOMEN

From health to history to heroines, we have inspiring and interesting books that are perfect for the women in your life.

173 items
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Atlantic Barrier Islands Poster(large)
Atlantic Barrier Islands (Large Poster)

Atlantic Barrier Islands Poster(large)

The Pacific Collection
The Pacific in World War II Collection: Okinawa, the Last Battle; and Phillipine Islands (Bundle of 2 paperback books)

The Pacific Collection

The Civil War Collection
The Civil War Collection: Vicksburg Campaign, November 1862-July 1863; Ciivil War in the West (2 paperback commemorative pamphlets)

The Civil War Collection

The Canadian Theater Collection
The Canadian Theater in the War of 1812 Collection

The Canadian Theater Collection

Operation Just Cause & History Of Innovation Set
Operation Just Cause and History Of Innovation Set (Bundle of 2 paperback books)

Operation Just Cause & History Of Innovation Set

The World War Ii Collection
The World War II Collection (Bundle of 5 paperbacks or pamphlets and one map): Central Europe; D-Day, the Sixth of June; Egypt-Libya; Eastern Mandates; Merrill's Marauders; Mobilization

The World War Ii Collection

A Living Canyon: Discovering Life at Grand Canyon
A Living Canyon: Discovering Life at Grand Canyon

A Living Canyon: Discovering Life at Grand Canyon

Safe Sleep for Your Baby: Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS) and Other Sleep-Related Causes of Infant Death
Safe Sleep for Your Baby: Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Other Sleep-Related Causes of Infant Death

Safe Sleep for Your Baby: Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS) and Other Sleep-Related Causes of Infant Death

Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Mountains National Parks Visitor Guide, Spring/Summer 2018
Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Mountains National Parks Visitor Guide, Spring/Summer 2018

Carlsbad Caverns and Guadalupe Mountains National Parks Visitor Guide, Spring/Summer 2018

Consumer Action Handbook (April 2017)
Consumer Action Handbook (April 2017)

Consumer Action Handbook (April 2017)

Junior Cave Scientist Activity Book, Ages 5-12+
Junior Cave Scientist Activity Book, Ages 5-12+

Junior Cave Scientist Activity Book, Ages 5-12+

Geologic Field-Trip Guide to Volcanic and Hydrothermal Landscape of the Yellowstone Plateau
Geologic Field-Trip Guide to Volcanic and Hydrothermal Landscape of the Yellowstone Plateau

Geologic Field-Trip Guide to Volcanic and Hydrothermal Landscape of the Yellowstone Plateau

Upper Salmon River Boating Guide, East Central Idaho
Upper Salmon River Boating Guide, East Central Idaho

Upper Salmon River Boating Guide, East Central Idaho

Pregnancy and Childbirth: A Goal Oriented Guide to Prenatal Care
Pregnancy and Childbirth: A Goal Oriented Guide to Prenatal Care

Pregnancy and Childbirth: A Goal Oriented Guide to Prenatal Care

His Truth Is Marching On: Martin Luther King, Jr.\'s Dream of Freedom
His Truth Is Marching On: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Dream of Freedom

His Truth Is Marching On: Martin Luther King, Jr.\'s Dream of Freedom

Spinoff 2018
Spinoff 2018

Spinoff 2018

The International Space Station: Operating an Outpost in the New Frontier
The International Space Station: Operating an Outpost in the New Frontier

The International Space Station: Operating an Outpost in the New Frontier

Women and Religious Freedom: Synergies and Opportunities
Women and Religious Freedom: Synergies and Opportunities

Women and Religious Freedom: Synergies and Opportunities

Hawaii Volcanoes (Small Charley Harper Poster) (Poster)
Hawaii Volcanoes (Small Poster)

Hawaii Volcanoes (Small Charley Harper Poster) (Poster)

Hawaii Volcanoes (Large Poster)
Hawaii Volcanoes (Large Poster)

Hawaii Volcanoes (Large Poster)

Rocky Mountains (Small Poster) (Poster)
Rocky Mountains (Small Poster)

Rocky Mountains (Small Poster) (Poster)

Glacier Bay (Large Charley Harper Poster) (Poster)
Glacier Bay, Alaska (Poster)

Glacier Bay (Large Charley Harper Poster) (Poster)

Milestone Moments: Learn the Signs; Act Early
Milestone Moments: Learn the Signs; Act Early

Milestone Moments: Learn the Signs; Act Early


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