Rep. Jim McGovernVerifierat konto


Dad. Husband. Born & raised in Worcester. Proudly working for the people of MA's 2nd District. Ranking Member of .

Gått med januari 2011


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  1. 25 dec.

    Wishing you & your family a very Merry Christmas filled with love & happiness. May the new year bring us all a more just & peaceful world! 🎄❄️

  2. 24 dec.

    The President (who calls himself a very stable genius) is spending Christmas Eve alone & ranting incoherently on Twitter over a crisis which he created & could easily end. Meanwhile, 800,000+ federal workers are now at risk of losing their pay over the holidays. Shameful!

  3. Retweetade
    24 dec.

    . said he is “proud” to shut down the government for his costly, ineffective border wall, but his means 90% of employees are forced to work without pay during the holiday season.

  4. 24 dec.

    FLASHBACK: When he was asked in 2013, here's what Trump said about a shutdown. He should take his own advice & end this ridiculous stunt.

  5. 23 dec.

    I just asked to bring up the bipartisan bill to fund the government and end this Trump shutdown. It’s infuriating that they adjourned without doing so. When will Republicans come to their senses and end the ?

  6. Retweetade
    22 dec.

    We’re barreling toward a Trump shutdown in hours. Yet Rules Committee Republicans literally used emergency procedures to bring up a bill today... on cheese. They don’t have time to discuss keeping the lights on, but cheese ranks as a national emergency. Are you kidding me?

  7. 21 dec.

    Let’s get one thing straight: most SNAP beneficiaries who are able to work ALREADY HAVE A JOB – but earn so little they STILL need assistance. If the really wants to shrink , they should join & support a .

  8. 21 dec.
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  9. 21 dec.
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  10. Retweetade
    21 dec.

    “We want to protect the border. We want to invest in things that will actually protect the border. Not in a press release, not a sound bite, not in something that is a total waste of money like a wall.”

  11. Retweetade
    21 dec.

    “This wall is a medieval solution to a 21st century problem. What’s next Mr. Speaker? Money for a moat around Mar-a-Lago?” - responding to the president’s threat to shut down the government over his offensive border wall.

  12. Retweetade
    20 dec.

    Congratulations to , incoming Chairman of the Rules Committee! We look forward to you being a strong voice for the people & driving progressive values in the 116th!

  13. Retweetade
    20 dec.

    USDA’s plan to uproot NIFA & ERS is absolutely unnecessary and threatens to weaken these key research agencies when our food system and economy need them most. Introducing HR 7330 to keep them right where they are (1/2)

    , , och 7 andra
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  14. 20 dec.

    4/ I look forward to instituting a more open process that helps restore the integrity of Congress as our Majority advances an agenda that works for all Americans.

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  15. 20 dec.

    3/ The American people have demanded a new direction for our country. That means making the Rules Committee the place where big ideas are debated once again instead of being where democracy goes to die.

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  16. 20 dec.

    2/ They taught me that you don’t have to agree on everything to agree on something, and that good people can disagree and still work together to get things done. Their example will guide me as I lead the Rules Committee at such an important time for our state and nation.

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  17. 20 dec.

    1/ Massachusetts has a long & proud history w/ the House Rules Committee. MA Congressman Tip O’Neill Jr. served on this committee before becoming Speaker. He appointed my friend & mentor, Joe Moakley, to the committee, where he later became chairman.

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  18. 20 dec.

    Incredible news: last night, the President signed into law a bill that I introduced in the House of Representatives that will hold accountable for their human rights violations in . More info:

  19. Retweetade
    20 dec.

    Today, the first half of our 2 part holiday gift to you. is on the with a lot to say on returning the House to normal operation, politics today, and his views on 🔥🔥 🔥. Next week, incoming Congresswoman .

  20. 19 dec.
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