Rep. Jimmy PanettaVerified account


I'm honored to serve as the Congressman for California's Central Coast (CA-20) in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Joined November 2016


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  1. Mattis understands international security,stability &prosperity require principled American leadership.This voice was rare in this chaotic Administration.I hope the next SecDef appreciates the strategic value American alliances& partnerships contribute to the world,as Mattis does

  2. This new proposal by the Trump Administration to push people off nutrition assistance programs will only increase hunger in our community. Congress just rejected such changes in the Farm Bill with a strong bipartisan vote. This proposal cannot stand.

  3. Retweeted

    USDA’s plan to uproot NIFA & ERS is absolutely unnecessary and threatens to weaken these key research agencies when our food system and economy need them most. Introducing HR 7330 to keep them right where they are (1/2)

    , , and 7 others
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  4. Retweeted

    A copy of our letter seeking information from the Saudis about their actions at Trump Hotel is available here.

    , , and 7 others
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  5. I was honored to participate in the remembrance at the Central Coast Veterans Cemetery to honor the service and sacrifice of our veterans.

  6. Retweeted
    Dec 14

    A special thank you to for offering the final commencement address of 2018. Congratulations to the latest class of new NPS alumni!

  7. Six years after twenty-six lives were tragically taken at Elementary, gun violence remains national crisis. Congress must possess the will to help prevent these horrific events. I will continue to fight to create change when it comes to reducing gun violence.

  8. Today marks one year since the FCC repealed . It is past time to act on the CRA discharge petition for a vote on the House Floor.

  9. Retweeted
    Dec 12

    Congress passes Farm Bill that benefits Monterey Bay area

  10. Today’s passage of the , with strong bipartisan support, fulfills a promise to our farmers, rural communities, and neighbors who need assistance putting food on the table. My full statement:

  11. Today is the 3rd anniversary of the . The President's decision to withdraw the United States from the agreement is a threat to our environment, economy & national security. I will continue to go toe to toe with the president & keep working to combat climate change.

  12. Today is your last day to submit a comment on the DHS's proposed rule change to deny permanent residency for legal immigrants who use public benefits. DHS will be collecting public comments until 8:59pmPST. Comments can be made here via Federal Register:

  13. The House just unanimously passed my and bill, the Commercial Engagement through Ocean Technology Act. Advancing unmanned systems has widespread civil, commercial, academic, and national security benefits. Read more:

  14. I firmly believe that our nation — our leaders and our public — always must be mindful of those, such as President George H.W. Bush, who were "granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.” They did not shrink from that responsibility. They welcomed it.

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  15. On this day in 1941, a "Date Which Will Live in Infamy," 2,403 Americans lost their lives in the attack on Pearl Harbor.

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  16. Update on Service Lapses & Response: Through my office's engagements with the , updating community members on the following steps being taken to improve service and remedy their staff shortages:

  17. Adult education programs provide students a chance to pivot - to do what they need to do to stay in this community and contribute to this community. I will continue to support educational opportunities that ensure that students have the skills they need to succeed.

  18. Honored to light the menorah with the neighbors in . ⁠ ⁠

  19. Wishing a very to all those who celebrate on the central coast of California and around the world.

  20. Today marks , a day to remember those we have lost, and recommit to American leadership in the fight to


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