Rep. Tulsi GabbardTài khoản được xác nhận


Aloha - Official account of Rep Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02), managed by staff. (Use of TG's military rank, title, or photo do not imply Army or DoD endorsement.)

Đã tham gia tháng 1 năm 2013


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    We're here to help. Find out how my office can help you and your ohana with VA claims, passport and visa applications, immigration and naturalization, Social Security, Medicare, federal grants, and much more:

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  2. Christmas is special because of time spent with loved ones + the spirit of giving all around our community. Last night I joined , + at to raise $10k for 's Volcano Recovery Fund. Mahalo to all who attended!

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  3. Today, we take the first in a long line of steps toward comprehensive criminal justice reform. There’s no overnight solution to our broken criminal justice system, but this bill makes long overdue progress that will make a lasting difference.

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  4. Our veterans shouldn’t suffer because of bureaucratic red tape and incompetence. Our bipartisan legislation will hold the VA accountable, correct these egregious errors, and ensure our brothers and sisters in arms receive the benefits they’ve earned.

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  5. For months, problems at the causing delays or inaccurate Forever GI bill payments for hundreds of thousands of our nation’s veterans have caused great stress and hardship on them and their families.

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  6. Congress must act to end U.S. support for this genocidal war now. must honor our Constitution and schedule a vote on this resolution immediately. More info:

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  7. Millions of Yemeni civilians are on the brink of starvation and lack access to clean water, sanitation, and healthcare. Tens of thousands of civilians have been killed by bombs dropped on weddings, school buses, markets, and more.

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  8. For the first time, the Senate has taken action towards ending U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s war in that has created the world’s worst humanitarian crisis and horrific suffering for the Yemeni people.

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  9. I successfully secured much-needed research and development funding to help farmers fight back against the macadamia felted coccid that has destroyed farms and threatened the livelihoods of dozens of communities, especially on Hawai‘i Island.

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  10. This bill has finally opened the door for industrial hemp — a domestic industry that already has a market value of roughly $620 million in the U.S. per year — creating great opportunity for sustainable jobs across many sectors.

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  11. It protects food stamps that nearly 170,000 of our keiki, kūpuna, vets & working families across Hawaii rely on, invests in ag & rural development, conservation efforts to protect our air, land & water, clean energy programs, & assistance for vets, indigenous & low-income farmers

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  12. The that passed today was a bipartisan compromise that provides certainty for working families, empowers small and sustainable farms, and expands agricultural opportunities for and across the country. More info:

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  13. Our veterans deserve better than to return home to empty promises and excuses. They deserve real leadership and action that honors their service and sacrifice. More info-

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  14. Mahalo to and congratulations on this 50th anniversary!

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  15. Dec 7, 1941 forever changed Hawaiʻi & our nation. We saw great loss, but also unmatched valor in those known as the greatest generation. As we remember those who died that day & those who served in the years following, their example of putting service above self inspires us all.

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  16. Congrats to Tua Tagovailoa from for earning the Walter Camp and Maxwell awards. We’re so proud of all your accomplishments, how you represent , and for sharing your aloha with the world

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  17. Ho'omaika'i to Maya, Johnel, Dane & Katherine from & mahalo to the students who submitted an app, judges, teachers, parents & our community for prioritizing STEM skills that set our future leaders up for success in the 21st century economy

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  18. One job should be enough. members stood their ground for 51 days to fight for higher wages & better benefits. We stand in solidarity with those in & across the country who continue to fight for a living wage.

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  19. United by a common purpose to be of service to others, provides an opportunity for us all to come together and support the causes in our communities that inspire us.

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  20. It’s long past time to end our fossil fuel addiction and transition to a clean energy economy so we can protect our people and our planet.

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  21. As we reflect on all that we have to be grateful for, let’s take the opportunity to share our aloha with others, help those in need, and have a positive impact on those around us. I wish you all a happy and peaceful

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