Pelosi Floor Remarks Offering Privileged Resolution to Keep Government Open

Washington, D.C – Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi offered a privileged resolution on the Floor of the House of Representatives to keep government open.  The resolution was tabled by a 187-170 vote.  Below are the Speaker-designate’s remarks:

Speaker-designate Pelosi.  Mr. Speaker, the House and Senate, Democrats and Republicans of the Appropriations Committee worked hard and long to come up with bipartisan legislation to meet the needs of the American people.  Right now we’re in the midst of Congress delaying, the market’s down almost 500 points for this and other reasons.  This is not the time for us to shut down government.

We have a product developed in a bipartisan way for the reasons described by the Clerk who read it, and it is privileged because of the time of the year, because of the extent of the concern that the American people have, and because of the harm that will be done to them if government shuts down.

It would be totally irresponsible and that’s why I consider it a privilege to rise to say, let’s keep government open by passing this bipartisan legislation first introduced by Congresswoman [Nita] Lowey, our distinguished Democratic leader on the Appropriations Committee.


Speaker Pro Tempore.  The Chair is prepared to rule.  The text presented proposes legislation to continue funding for certain elements of the U.S. Government.  The proposed text by seeking the proposed legislation does not qualify as a question of the privileges of the House.

For what purpose does the gentlelady from California seek recognition?

Speaker-designate Pelosi.  Mr. Speaker, I appeal the ruling of the Chair.

Speaker Pro Tempore.  For what purpose does the gentlelady appeal the decision of the chair to stand as the judgment of the Chair.  For what purpose does the gentleman from California rise?

Majority Leader McCarthy.  Mr. Speaker, I have a motion at the desk.

Speaker Pro Tempore.  The clerk will report the motion.

Clerk.  Mr. McCarthy of California moves to lay the appeal on the table.

Speaker Pro Tempore.  The question is on the motion to table.  Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no.  In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it.

Speaker-designate Pelosi.  Mr. Speaker.  On that I demand a recorded vote.  To keep government open, I demand a recorded vote.

Speaker Pro Tempore.  A recorded vote has been requested.

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