Rep. Betty McCollum인증된 계정


Proudly representing Minnesota's Fourth District in the United States House of Representatives.

가입일: 2012년 3월
생일: 7월 12일


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  1. 12월 25일
  2. 12월 23일

    FACT: This is the 3rd this year under a Republican controlled House, Senate, and White House. remain committed to stopping this dysfunction and getting our government back on track when we take the House in January.

  3. 12월 23일

    Democrats have offered three funding options for strong, sensible, and effective border security that don’t include Pres. Trump’s ineffective & expensive border wall. Republicans have the power AND responsibility to end the and should do so immediately.

  4. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 22일

    Democrats have offered Republicans multiple proposals to keep the government open, including one that already passed the Senate unanimously, & all of which include funding for strong, sensible, & effective border security – not the president's ineffective and expensive wall.

    이 스레드 보기
  5. 12월 21일

    . has made it clear that he will prioritize his bigoted, wasteful, & ineffective border wall over anything – even the livelihoods of federal employees & the American people. Democrats in Congress are committed to fully fund the government & avoid a

  6. 12월 21일

    I just spoke on the House floor about ’s latest tantrum threatening to shutdown the govt over his wasteful border wall. leadership needs to stand up to the President and pass a responsible spending bill that keeps the govt open.

  7. 12월 20일

    Secretary of Defense Mattis is right, America can only lead in the world by maintaining strong and respectful partnerships with our friends and allies. His resignation from the administration gives me great concern, and is a serious blow to American leadership in the world.

  8. 12월 20일

    Mere days after Congress passed the bipartisan Farm Bill has made it his mission to restrict access to vital food assistance programs like SNAP. This decision will hurt Minnesota families and children who depend on SNAP.

  9. 12월 20일

    I’m in DC with my Democratic & Republican colleagues ready to pass the Senate bill funding the federal government. Now, we hear wants a shutdown for Christmas. Time for Congress to fund the government and override this failed president's veto.

  10. 12월 20일

    The Unites States has a moral and legal responsibility to live up to our treaty obligations to tribal nations, and clearly shows we are failing. I’m committed to leading Democrats in fighting for more funding for Native health, education, safety, and other needs.

  11. 12월 19일

    In my 6 years as Native American Caucus Co-Chair, I’ve been honored to work with our nation's tribal leaders. Now I’m thrilled to support a shift in Caucus leadership to Reps-elect Haaland & Davids, the first Native women in Congress. Full statement:

  12. 12월 19일

    I am returning to DC today to prevent President Trump from shutting down the federal government. No $5 billion for wasteful wall. Time to say goodbye to the GOP controlled House and welcome responsible leadership in 2019 with Democrats in control.

  13. 12월 18일

    Congratulations to Joan Gabel on her appointment as the first female president of the University of Minnesota! I look forward to the innovative leadership she will bring to our state’s flagship university.

  14. 12월 18일

    Our public lands are not up for grabs — whether it’s to a billionaire NFL team owner, fossil fuel companies, or any other private entity. I won’t allow the American public to be hoodwinked out of what they’re entitled to. Read my letter to the editor here:

  15. 12월 16일

    Tuesday's Woodbury office hours are canceled. My staff will resume regular office hours in January. Learn more & make an appointment →

  16. 12월 15일

    Michael A. “Bones” Hartzell was a beloved, self-appointed steward of St. Paul’s Rice Street. Whether he was chatting with passerby’s or sweeping the walk outside of the local businesses, Bones’ generous spirit will be sorely missed.

  17. 12월 15일

    A federal judge in TX ruled to strike down the & protections for pre-existing conditions in a case lead by GOP AGs. Cutting life-saving protections & denying health coverage is the Republican’s agenda. will act to preserve & uphold protections for all.

  18. 12월 15일

    Attention Minnesotans: Today is the last day to enroll in for coverage beginning January 1st! Visit to learn more and

  19. 12월 15일

    The departure of Interior Sec. Ryan Zinke is welcome news. Zinke's mountain of ethical problems & pro-extraction & exploitation agenda cast a dark shadow on the secretary's office. DOI's mission is important! It's time for oversight & accountability.

  20. 12월 14일

    Thanks to for holding a public meeting on the explosion at the Husky Refinery. This near-miss with Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) is a wake-up call. Federal protections need to be strengthened on HF and other chemicals used at US refineries.


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