Rep. Mike GallagherVerified account


Green Bay Native, Marine Veteran, and Eisenhower Nerd proudly representing in Congress. .

Green Bay, WI
Joined January 2017


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    As I wrote in , Congress cannot get anything done because it is not equipped to get anything done. We must reform the processes and power structures of Congress or we will further tear our country apart.

  2. Proud to have led this bipartisan letter with . Everything we know about the CCP suggests that it will use Xinhua’s partnership with the to shape global public opinion to the detriment of American interests and those suffering under the CCP's oppression.

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  4. It’s simple. The Senate needs to act. Send something back to us that secures the border. We’ve punted on this issue for too long.

  5. Shout out to ’s Cole Kantner for helping save the life of an 18-month-old last week. Excellent work.

  6. Jim Mattis is a patriot who has served his country with distinction for more than four decades. His parting counsel about treating our friends like our friends and our enemies like our enemies cannot be emphasized enough.

  7. By giving federal prisoners the training and education they need to succeed upon release, this bill goes a long way toward ensuring they are productive members of their communities and don’t return to a life of crime.

  8. Glad to see Matt Kempainen recognized for the incredible amount of time he dedicates to helping out local veterans in need. Northeast Wisconsin is lucky have a Hometown Hero like Matt.

  9. Great analysis by and . One overlooked aspect of the is the way in which we cave not only to Iran but also to Erdogan, potentially endangering the 2,000 troops on the ground right now.

  10. We need a long-term strategy in Syria that advances our interests and protects our allies. Virtual presence will translate into actual absence. I'm afraid we will soon regret a hasty retreat.

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  11. Long-term, I’m concerned about the growing Russian military presence in Syria. If we are not careful, Russia could grow its new naval and air bases to threaten our access in the eastern Mediterranean, and perhaps even Suez.

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  12. The administration is right to want to roll back Iranian influence in the region, but we can’t do that if we aren’t engaged on the ground in support of our allies. Handing Syria to the Assad/Putin/Iranian axis is no way to bring stability to Syria, or to the region.

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  13. President Obama found out the hard way that withdrawing unilaterally from Middle East hotspots tends to leave power vacuums that are filled by actors that do not share our interests. In the case of our exit from Iraq, we only ended up emboldening Iran.

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  14. "What a country, where someone of an unassuming Midwest upbringing gets a chance to be part of all of this...You can pursue whatever your passion is, wherever it takes you. I mean, that's the American idea, isn't it?" Excellent address. Thank you for everything, .

  15. More than anything, what this week’s wall-funding-fueled, potential shutdown demonstrates is that if Congress fails to change the way it does business, trust in the institution will only continue to erode.

  16. Attention ! My D.C. office has moved. Next time you're in town, be sure to stop by 1230 Longworth House Office Building.

  17. The only explanation I've heard for the recess is that we're waiting on a compromise. But that gets it backwards—that assumes it has to be , , and in a back room cutting a deal and that we as members of the House don't have a separate job to do.

  18. The problem is we aren't having this debate. It's been five days since Congress was last in session, and with a shutdown looming Friday, discussions are happening behind closed doors. Lock us in on the House & Senate floors and let's have the discussion.

  19. This month I was proud to help secure the largest grant in Brown County history. The nearly $20 million grant will be a significant driver of economic development in Hobart & Howard, and will expand transportation access for families across .

  20. Dec 17

    Congressional Reformers Caucus Co-chairs (D-NY), (R-WI) & (D-WA) recently introduced the Political Accountability and Transparency Act to increase disclosure and political spending accountability. Learn more:

  21. Glad to see the large turn out at the Wreaths Across America ceremony in King this weekend. Especially during the holidays when we're home celebrating with our families, it's important to remember that our veterans' sacrifices helped make that possible.


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