
You blocked @RepLoisFrankel

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  1. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas! I hope your holiday is filled with joy and shared with those you love.

  2. Bah humbug -- ’s government shutdown needlessly hurts 800,000 federal employees across the nation who ensure the well-being and security of the American people. We need to end the now!

  3. Let's not forget this direct quote from : "I am proud to shut down the government... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down." Enough is enough, Mr. President - or should I say Scrooge - end this ridiculous stunt and open our government. No wall!

  4. Not only did Trump & his Republican colleagues shut down the gov, they let expire, leaving survivors of domestic violence high & dry. Congress should pass 's bill to strengthen this critical program & provide greater resources to survivors!

  5. I’ve got one word to describe Trump’s shutdown: clueless.

  6. Thanks to my colleagues for their partnership in getting the across the finish line. Now let's make it official & get it signed into law!

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  7. When women & girls are educated, free from violence, & have access to tools to support their families, their communities are safer, stronger, & more peaceful.

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  8. Thrilled the passed in the Senate & the House today. This bill recognizes there's an undeniable link between women’s economic success & global prosperity.

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  9. Trump’s erratic&irresponsible foreign policy makes our world less safe. Mattis’ resignation comes at a dangerous time— w/ his Twitter diplomacy has lost the respect of allies & is handing over our global leadership to adversaries like Russia&China

  10. Sending best wishes for a full & speedy recovery to Justice Ginsburg. Get well soon, !

  11. . has sabotaged multiple opportunities to reach a bipartisan consensus on immigration. His latest tantrum over his immoral, absurd border wall isn’t worth yet ANOTHER government shutdown.

  12. 755,000 Americans could lose their nutrition assistance thanks to this unnecessary rule by the Trump Administration. We should be working to help hungry families & children, not taking away their food.

  13. An enterprise program specifically for minority and women-owned businesses means greater opportunities & economic security for many West Palm Beach families. Excited to see the effect this will have on our community!

  14. News flash: the remains the law of the land. will fight to keep protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions & will keep defending access to health care .

  15. Instead of taking steps to address gun violence in our schools after the horrific Parkland shooting in our community, the Trump admin is undermining policies that protect students’ civil rights. This won’t make our schools & students safer.

  16. Just one day left to for 2019! The deadline for the Open Enrollment period is almost here - visit to find a plan that works for you & your family.

  17. Florida’s beautiful & unique wetlands are under attack from the Trump administration. We must protect our environment for future generations – not repeal clean water regulations to appease polluters.

  18. Today, we remember the 26 innocent young lives cut short at 6 years ago. We continue to stand with Newtown & all those that have been affected by , & will continue to work towards a future where no more communities have to live through that pain.

  19. I'm devastated this child died in our custody & horrified this is how immigrants are treated when they come to the US seeking a better life. The Trump Admin must be held accountable for the humanitarian disaster they've created at our southern border. Absolutely disgraceful.

  20. The number of gun deaths in our nation is staggering. Despite Democratic efforts to pass commonsense gun violence prevention legislation, Republicans in Congress continue to turn a blind eye to this alarming rise in gun deaths & any solutions to prevent gun violence.


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