
e-News 12/7/2018

The Lessons of Pearl Harbor
Salute: President George H.W. Bush
Worth a Read: “In the Middle East, Russia is back”
Keeping the Government Open


The Lessons of Pearl Harbor

Today we mark the 77th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.   I am very gratified that so many organizations, like the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, take the time to remember Pearl Harbor Day and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

But, unfortunately, we are seeing a noticeable shift from the large-scale commemoration activities that marked earlier Pearl Harbor Day services. And, sadly, there will be even fewer Pearl Harbor survivors than in the past as time claims more survivors every year. 

But we cannot – we must not – let their heroism fade from the memories of Americans, especially our young.

I also believe there is another important lesson for us:  Pearl Harbor should remind us all of the high price of unpreparedness.  Peace through strength must be our guiding principle! That is why I have worked to ensure the strength of our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines is unmatched.

It is never too late to learn more about the “Date Which Will Live in Infamy”, and I would encourage you to visit the Library of Congress’ resources here.


Salute: President George H.W. Bush

I had the privilege twice this year of attending memorial services at Washington National Cathedral, a month or so ago, for Senator John McCain, and this last Wednesday, for former President George Bush.

The service was an emotional three hours, to say the least!  And, while there was focus, and particularly camera focus on the president and his predecessors, most prominent was the key role of the Armed Services:  the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the uniformed pallbearers, the color guard, the incredible Marine Band, those who sang in the beautiful cathedral, served as ushers, paid tribute in a very special way to our nation, former Commander-in-Chief and to our form of government.

All of those who spoke, spoke beautifully, often with humor, told of our former president's life: Jon Meacham, the wonderful author, Brian Mulroney, former Canadian Prime Minister, former Senator Alan Simpson, and Bush's own minister from Texas. Former President George W. Bush delivered the eulogy for his father.

Being witness to this farewell was certainly a day I will never forget!


Worth a Read: Liz Sly’s article in the Washington Post, “In the Middle East, Russia is back," detailing Russia’s efforts to influence critical U.S. allies in the region.


Keeping the Government Open

Yesterday, I introduced legislation that will keep a portion of the government open for the next two weeks as Congress continues its work on spending bills for FY 2019. Politico reported on yesterday’s action with:

“More than a day before the drop-dead deadline, Congress has completely cleared the continuing resolution that will postpone this Friday's shutdown threat for two more weeks. Speaking to a nearly empty chamber, retiring House Appropriations Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.) at noon called for passage, with Speaker Paul Ryan serving as presiding officer. Senate action quickly followed.”

H.J. Res. 143, the Continuing Resolution (CR) is a stopgap measure that will extend government funding until December 21, 2018. This CR is a clean extension of funding, which affects about 25% of discretionary funding for government operations.

As you may know, under my leadership, Congress approved a number of critical spending bills that provided $1 trillion or 75% of all annual discretionary funding prior to the end of the fiscal year –an achievement that has not occurred in twenty-two years.

You can read more about this important achievement and the impact the legislation will have on New Jersey here and here.

You can see the text of the CR here