Rep. Ro KhannaVerified account


Rep. Silicon Valley's . Working to create proposals for jobs in areas left behind & tax credits for working class. Restraint in foreign policy. No PAC $.

Silicon Valley, CA
Joined January 2017


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  1. Dec 23

    “Wall Street loves buybacks because they artificially inflate earnings and backstop prices by providing a price-insensitive buyer.” In other words, Trump’s tax cut did nothing to help the average American, but instead enriched those already on top.

  2. Retweeted
    Dec 22

    Progressive heroes of 2018: podcast names “most valuable House member”

  3. Dec 22

    We need to understand the digital divide between rural and urban/suburban American so we can craft legislation to fix it. I look forward to leading this effort in the House.

  4. Dec 22

    If Trump wants to reopen the government he will need to give up funding for his wall.

  5. Dec 22

    Democrats should stand for a foreign policy of responsible withdrawal. Here is my op-ed.

  6. Retweeted
    Dec 22

    “The withdrawal of troops from Syria is a good first step toward ending our policy of interventionism. But we also need to: End US support for Saudi Arabia in Yemen. Withdraw our troops from Afghanistan. Repeal the 2001 AUMF.” — ⁦

  7. Dec 21

    This is Trump’s shutdown. He will force hundreds of thousands of dedicated public servants to go without pay for the holidays.

  8. Dec 21

    The President should spend less time listening to Rush Limbaugh and pass a clean continuing resolution to keep the government open. This is a manufactured crisis by the president that will not meaningful deal with border security and only hurting working Americans.

  9. Dec 21

    The Green New Deal is a no brainer. It is an environmental imperative and it has bipartisan support, which should make it a top policy priority for the 116th Congress. We need to build a forward-looking Green economy, not rely on industries of the past.

  10. Dec 20

    Now the House GOP has found 5+ billion $$ for the wall.... this is funding that should be going towards jobs training & apprentice programs, Medicare for All and infrastructure.

  11. Retweeted
    Dec 20

    “I am not in the House to appease special interests, so it’s fine if Big Pharma and defense contractors don’t like me. I don’t work for them. I work for ordinary Americans who can’t afford a lobbyist.” — ⁦⁦

  12. Dec 20

    Absolutely honored to be named the most valuable House member by along with who was named the most valuable in the Senate. It’s my privilege to represent the people and get to work for progressive values every day.

  13. Dec 20

    In 2019, House Dems will introduce HR 1, legislation that will implement sweeping reforms to our democracy. The bill includes public funding for elections, an end to gerrymandering & much more. It's time to take back our democracy. Thank you, for your leadership.

  14. Retweeted
    Dec 19

    Last week, House leadership suspended the 1973 War Powers Act, using the Farm Bill. I’ve asked them to reconsider that dangerous precedent. In the mean time, I’m objecting to voice votes in the House.

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  15. Retweeted
    Dec 19

    Happening TMRW: Trump will hold a signing ceremony at the White House for the 21st Century IDEA act - sponsored by , &

  16. Retweeted
    Dec 19
    , , and 2 others
  17. Dec 19

    The excellent reporting in the raises very serious concerns about Facebook’s violation of the FTC consent decree. We need an Internet Bill of Rights, and we need to strengthen the FTC’s enforcement mechanism.

  18. Retweeted
    Dec 18

    . on #2020 Dems: "They should say, 'We don't want any super PACs.'"

  19. Dec 18

    It's good to see big tech companies like Google branching out from Silicon Valley, but there needs to be more investment in rural America.

  20. Retweeted

    If politics is the art of the possible, then it’s our job to push the limits of what is seen as possible. Ready to push the limits with and in the 116th Congress. Learn how we plan on doing it! 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽


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