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Congressman Tom O´Halleran

Representing the 1st District of Arizona


Capitol Building against an evening sky


Transparency is not a partisan issue. The American people deserve accountability from their elected officials in Washington.


As a member of the House Committee on Agriculture and Chair of the Blue Dog Special Task Force on Rural America, I'm focused on giving rural Arizonans and our ag producers a voice in Washington. Read more about my work below.


Creating high-paying jobs across our country is a key priority of mine in Congress. By investing in education and skills training, we can create a 21st Century workforce that is ready to fill open jobs.

National Security

As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I am proud to work with our military and civilian leaders on policies and legislation that ensure our servicemembers have the tools and resources to complete their missions around the world.

Public Lands

Our public monuments and parks are critical for land and water conservation and preserving the rich history of our country. I am proud to work on projects that protect our public lands and ensure that they are accessible to all Americans.

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Fostering a healthy educational environment at a young age is critical for future academic achievement for Arizona students. We must also continue to invest in our elementary and secondary education, and ensure our students are receiving the best education.

Forestry and Conservation

As a member of the House Committee on Agriculture, I am committed to working with my colleagues to protect our forested lands. Congress must work find responsible, bipartisan ways to improve wildfire fighting and prevention.

stethoscope on a clipboard


Congress must work to pass bipartisan legislation that improves the health and wellbeing of Americans by expanding access to insurance coverage, bringing down the cost of prescription drugs, and investing in rural hospitals.

Military soldier saluting American flag


Our veterans have faithfully served our country, and it is our responsibility to ensure they have the best care when they return home. My office is available to help veterans if they are having problems with the VA.