Agents & brokers: How to sell SHOP insurance

SHOP insurance is quality, private health insurance for your small business and non-profit clients. Agents and brokers must register with the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) to sell SHOP insurance.

Agents & brokers: Take action

How to sell SHOP health insurance to small businesses

Follow these steps to help your clients enroll for plans starting on or after January 1, 2018:

  1. Find out if clients qualify. SHOP insurance is generally only available to small businesses and non-profits with 1–50 employees.

  2. Help your client predict costs. Use these simple tools to help estimate costs:

  3. Help your client enroll. For 2018 plans, SHOP has a new enrollment process for small businesses. Small businesses no longer need to use to enroll. They'll enroll through an insurance company or with your help. This makes it easy for you to help your clients, while working with the platforms you know best.
