Sen. Lisa MurkowskiVerified account


Official Twitter account for U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski. Follow me for news and updates on what's happening in the Senate and across Alaska.

Alaska & Washington, D.C.
Joined December 2008


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  1. I'm encouraged that the Senate Majority Leader and Minority Leader made a public commitment tonight to keep working to find a solution to funding the government and addressing border security in a manner the President will accept. We owe it to the American people to govern.

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  2. I’m disappointed we could not reach an agreement tonight. Funding the government is a fundamental part of our responsibility to govern. We all should commit to end this partial shutdown as soon as possible.

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  3. Our nation has benefited from the viewpoints expressed by General Kelly & General Mattis, both of whom are unfortunately leaving the White House. My advice to the President is that he reconsider the Syrian withdrawal as he gets his new senior military team in place.

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  4. While I do not support American troops being stationed in Syria indefinitely, I find the administration’s withdrawal troubling and shortsighted. I am equally alarmed by reports of an abrupt reduction in forces from Afghanistan where Alaskans have fought and died.

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  5. Secretary Mattis is a strong, respected leader w/ a wealth of knowledge about the issues & challenges facing our national security. His departure leaves a big hole in the cabinet leadership. I thank Secretary Mattis for his leadership & service to the US.

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  6. I was deeply saddened to hear the tragic news of Mayor Monica Carlson and her mother, Cora Louise Adams. Mayor Carlson was a wonderful leader that will be truly missed.

  7. This input and cooperation will ensure we build a strong leasing program that helps us realize our tremendous energy potential without harming our environment or way of life. This is a major step towards making responsible energy development in ANWR a reality.

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  8. I appreciate the extensive time & attention has dedicated to gather & consider feedback from all Alaskans, particularly the Inupiat and other stakeholders in the Alaska Native community.

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  9. One year ago, Congress directed to open the Coastal Plain for responsible energy development. Today, released the draft environmental impact statement for the oil and gas leasing program on the Coastal Plain of ANWR.

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  10. Our bill will help to strengthen the already amazing, diverse libraries and museums across Alaska and help them serve the changing needs of their communities in ever-more innovative ways.

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  11. I have long been an advocate for libraries & museums in Alaska and across the country. I am proud the Museum and Library Services Act, legislation I introduced w/ Senators Reed, Collins, Gillibrand, Cochran, & others, passed the House tonight, sending it to the President.

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  12. My bipartisan legislation with , the Improving Access to Maternity Care Act, was signed into law. This bill addresses maternity care shortages to increase overall safety & reduce rates of pregnancy-related deaths.

  13. Dec 18

    Alaska's State Veterinarian, Dr. Bob Gerlach, has declared Santa's reindeer fit and approved for interstate travel. We're one step closer to Christmas Eve!

  14. I commend my Senate colleagues for supporting this legislation to honor the influence of Indigenous women as civil rights activists, warriors, community leaders, and so much more.

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  15. The very first anti-discrimination law in the US was signed into law 19 years before the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This was accomplished, in large part, because of a Tlingit woman named Elizabeth Peratrovich who spoke to assembled lawmakers arguing for equality.

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  16. Alaska Native women have not only played an integral role in leading their communities forward—fighting to defend the sovereignty for Alaska’s tribal nations—but have also been a key factor in preserving their history, heritage, and culture.

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  17. The Senate recently passed my resolution recognizing the heritage, culture, and contributions of American Indian, Alaska Native, & Native Hawaiian women in helping shape our country.

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  18. While I support the bipartisan, good-faith effort of my colleagues to address this important issue, we need more time to evaluate this legislation. It’s very important we get this right.

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  19. The Senate moved to take up a pkg that could reduce time that drug traffickers & other convicted felons spend in federal prison in the name of rehabilitation. Reforming our troubled criminal justice system deserves the Senate’s full attention & should not be rushed through.

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  20. Particularly in light of the holidays, it was great to share dinner, swap stories & take time to appreciate all the has done. It's only fitting that we work to support our military in their time of need since they have answered the call in America's time of need.

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