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  1. Nov 13

    I conceal carry because that’s my right 💁🏽‍♀️

  2. Nov 13

    You don't get any do-overs when faced with evil. You have the right to self-defense – why not utilize it?

  3. Nov 8

    Gonna break this down for you Dems: We have a drug problem. We have a gang problem. We have an open border problem. We have a no God in schools problem. Our kids have a discipline problem. Guns are inanimate objects. We do NOT have a gun problem. More laws WON'T WORK.

  4. Nov 7

    We'll take the judges! It is always a HUGE victory for the Second Amendment when a pro- judge is confirmed by the U.S. Senate!

  5. Nov 8

    And right on cue, here come the Dems with their "Gun Control Now" propaganda. Did it ever occur to you geniuses on the left that had you not made it so hard for law-abiding patriots to protect themselves via your "gun free" zones fewer victims may have DIED last night?

  6. People View all

  7. Nov 7

    to all members who got out and voted yesterday. You are the most powerful force in American politics, and we will never stop fighting against the anti-gun elitists bent on destroying our Second Amendment freedoms.

  8. 8 hours ago

    : By making good people HELPLESS, you won't make bad people HARMLESS.

  9. If you ask me, the Second Amendment is one of the most critical components of our U.S. Constitution — that's why I introduced a bill to prohibit the use of federal funds for gun registries and it's why I practice my right to bear arms every single day!

  10. 2 hours ago

    If anyone needs further confirmation that the NRA’s racism comes before even their worship of they tweeted this yesterday, but still haven’t tweeted support for Jemel Roberson or the GoFundMe for his family. I guess the “good guy with a gun” thing only applies to white guys.

  11. 11 hours ago

    We know the new anti-gun leadership in the House and many states will come after . And anywhere they try, the will be there defending the rights of our members - and all . We need your help – will you join us? →

  12. Nov 9

    Don’t believe in the lies coming from the media. Believe in our freedoms. We won’t back down. 🇺🇸

  13. Nov 8

    Now the has handed Tucker Carlson and his wife grounds to be granted a concealed carry permit.

  14. Nov 7

    Huge amount of victories last night. NRA account has a running list. Members vote!

  15. 3 hours ago
  16. 8 hours ago
  17. 2 hours ago

    Republican Party Priority Constitutional Carry has just been filed. Say hello to my little friend HB 357

  18. Nov 10

    Shout out to all the police officers out there. I know you don’t get this enough but thank you. You are on the clock 24/7 and the media puts you out there as the bad guy. Keep up the good work!

  19. Nov 10
  20. Nov 12

    As a very strong & vocal pro- advocate on here since 2009, I'm pretty sick of people telling docs to STFU & "stay in their lane". They, like you/us, are entitled to their opinion. (And last I checked, most of you aren't lawmakers either) Being assholes won't change minds

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  21. Nov 13

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