Notice of Action: H.R. 1495 - Water Resources Development Act of 2007 H.R. 363 - Sowing the Seeds Through Science and Engineering Research Act; H.R. 1905 - District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act H.R. 1906 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

4:30 P.M.


H.R. 1495      Transportation and Infrastructure      Water Resources Development Act of 2007

The Committee granted, by a voice vote, a structured rule.  The rule provides for one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill except those arising under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI.  The rule makes in order the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure as an original bill for the purpose of further amendment and shall be considered as read.  The rule waives all points of order against the committee amendment except those arising under clauses 9 or 10 of rule XXI. 

The rule makes in order those amendments printed in the report and waives all points of order against such amendments except those arising under clauses 9 or 10 of rule XXI.  The rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions.  Finally, during consideration of H.R. 1495 in the House, notwithstanding the operation of the previous question, the Chair may postpone further consideration until a time designated by the Speaker.

H.R. 363      Science and Technology   Sowing the Seeds Through Science and Engineering Research Act

 The Committee granted, by a voice vote, a structured rule.  The rule provides for one hour of general debate equally divided and controlled by the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on Science and Technology.

The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill except those arising under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI.  The rule makes in order the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Science and Technology as the original bill for the purpose of further amendment.  The committee amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be considered as an original bill and shall be considered as read.  All points of order against the committee amendment are waived except those arising under clauses 9 or 10 of rule XXI.

The rule makes in order those amendments printed in the report and waives all points of order against such amendments except those arising under clauses 9 or 10 of rule XXI.  The rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions.  Finally, notwithstanding the operation of the previous question, during consideration of the bill the Chair may postpone further consideration to a time designated by the Speaker. 

H.R. 1905       District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act                        

H.R. 1906

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to adjust the Estimated Tax payment safe harbor based on income for the preceding year in the case of individuals with adjusted gross income greater than $5 million

The Committee granted, by a vote of 9 to 4, a closed rule.  With respect to H.R. 1905, the rule provides for one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on the Judiciary.  The rule waives all points of order against the bill and its consideration of the bill except those arising under clause 9 of rule XXI.  The rule provides one motion to recommit H.R. 1905 with or without instructions. 

With respect to H.R. 1906, the rule provides for one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on Ways and Means.  The rule waives all points of order against the bill and its consideration except those arising under clauses 9 or 10 of rule XXI.  The rule provides one motion to recommit H.R. 1906 with or without instructions.

The rule further provides that, if either bill fails of passage or fails to reach the question of passage by an order of recommital, then both bills shall be laid upon the table.  Otherwise, in the engrossment of H.R. 1905, the Clerk shall add the text of H.R. 1906 at the end and conform the resulting bill.  H.R. 1906 and H.R. 1433 shall be laid upon the table.  Finally, notwithstanding the operation of the previous question, during consideration of either H.R. 1905 or H.R. 1906, the Chair may postpone further consideration until a time designated by the Speaker.