Our Goals

Working across the aisle to make a difference

In the coming months, the Crime Prevention and Youth Development Caucus is committed to:

  • Establishing bipartisan support for youth violence prevention and crime reduction initiatives;
  • Helping to lead the dialogue with  youth advocates and ensure that they are more in touch with members of Congress;
  • Creating and educating a group of Congresspeople who support prevention and intervention initiatives, including hosting briefings, sending out letters educating members about pending legislation, advocating for adequate federal funding for COPS and the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention;
  • Raising the profile of these issues through Membership outreach, briefings and events;
  • Putting a spotlight on innovation, diversion and prevention-oriented efforts around the nation and engage local leaders in these issues through listening sessions in key parts of the country;
  • Coordinating and co-hosting events with other Caucuses.