Defense and National Security

Keeping America safe is Congress’ most important duty.  Democrats are focused on strengthening U.S. national security and restoring America’s leadership in the world.  That includes deploying the full arsenal of US power – diplomatic, development, and military tools – to maintain America’s standing in a troubled world.  President Trump, on the other hand, continues to undermine national security and make America less safe.   With each tweet, Trump erodes US prestige.  He has presented no plan or strategy for the gravest threats facing our nation, including strategies to address the situations in Syria, Iraq, North Korea, Somalia, or Yemen.   He refused to affirm NATO’s Article 5 and the common defense of our allies or take a stand against Putin’s Russia, which has sowed doubt among US allies.  He seeks to cut the diplomatic and development tools that are necessary to maintain order.  Trump’s Muslim Ban erodes America’s safety by providing ISIS and other terror groups with a potent tool for recruitment and radicalization, and his ban on transgender troops serving in the Armed Forces harms our military’s readiness and undermines the values for which U.S. troops risk their lives.   

Defense and National Security Related
The principled resignation of Secretary Mattis is stark evidence of the dangerous and irresponsible defense and foreign policies being pursued by President Trump.
I am troubled by the President's seemingly sudden and poorly thought-out decision to withdraw American forces from Syria at a time when serious issues remain unresolved.
We can pass [the Senate] bill [to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation].
By selectively declassifying documents relating to the investigation into his campaign’s possible collusion with Russia, the President is once again showing he has no regard for the rule of law and is putting his own interests ahead of the country’s. 
Having been signed by someone who takes the word of Vladimir Putin over our own intelligence agencies and called on Russia during the 2016 campaign to commit cyberattacks against our elections, today’s executive order is not going to make anyone believe that President Trump really cares about securing our elections against foreign interference. 
I condemn unequivocally the Hamas rocket attacks from Gaza against Israeli civilians.  No country should sit by while its citizens are harmed and threatened.
On Monday, the world witnessed the President of the United States side with President Putin over our own intelligence community, which has confirmed that Russia interfered in the election and continues to attack our democracy.
The legislation was introduced after the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) informed Maryland officials that a Russian oligarch had invested in one of the state’s voting software vendors in 2015 without the state’s knowledge.
Good afternoon. I am pleased to be joined by a number of my colleagues, some of whom will be speaking and others whom may answer questions.
The Putin regime has consistently worked against the interests of the United States and our allies and partners around the world, including:
Mr. Speaker, it would be inaccurate to say that this is a vote about process. It is a vote about substance. In fact, Mr. Quigley's amendment is about one of the most pressing issues of our time.