Transportation, Housing & Urban Development Appropriations Approved by Rules

Jul 22, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vince Morris (202) 225-9091


Transportation, Housing & Urban Development Appropriations Approved by Rules

Washington, DC The House Committee on Rules met today and approved a Rule that approves the consideration on the House floor of the H.R. 3288, the Transportation, House and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2010. The bill is expected to be on the floor tomorrow morning.

Chair Louise M. Slaughter issued the following statement:

“Our country functions best with a modern and safe infrastructure, including the best roads, highways, bridges, waterways and housing. This bill also invests in needed community development and housing initiatives and moves to eliminate programs that have outlived their usefulness. Importantly, we fought off amendments that would have stripped the legislation of funds for high speed rail, which is a priority of mine both nationally and especially in upstate New York, near Rochester and Buffalo.

The debate rules will be posted on our website at


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