Ranking Member McGovern Statement on Speaker Paul Ryan Not Seeking Re-Election

Apr 11, 2018

Congressman Jim McGovern

Ranking Member, House Committee on Rules

Representing Massachusetts's 2nd District


Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Jeff Gohringer (202) 225-2888


Ranking Member McGovern Statement on Speaker Paul Ryan Not Seeking Re-Election


WASHINGTON, DC — House Rules Committee Ranking Member Jim McGovern (MA-02) released the following statement on House Speaker Paul Ryan's (WI-01) announcement that he will not be seeking re-election:

“Speaker Ryan and I don’t always agree on the issues. But he has been a forceful advocate for his ideas and for the Republican Party throughout his twenty years serving in the House of Representatives. His rise to one of the most powerful positions in government has made the people of Wisconsin proud. I wish him and his family the best as they begin this new chapter.

“Now that he is no longer encumbered by another campaign, Speaker Ryan has a unique opportunity to break away from partisanship and strengthen this institution. That means opening up the legislative process, holding regular hearings and mark-ups, and having real debates on the House Floor.

“Speaker Ryan is currently the only speaker in history to never have a truly open rule. That has prevented Republicans and Democrats alike from doing their jobs offering amendments on the House Floor and put this Congress on track to become the most closed Congress ever. Restrictive rules have blocked more than 1,500 amendments this Congress addressing everything from the role of our military abroad and protecting DACA recipients to curbing gun violence and fighting climate change.

“Let’s open up the process and give the American people the debates they deserve on the urgent issues facing our nation.”     


