
Today the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in the important case of Yates v. the United States. While the case revolves around fish, it is an important case for legislators, prosecutors, and financial regulators. In this case, an overly aggressive prosecutors relied on some poorly drafted legislation in Sarbanes-Oxley to charge a commercial fisherman under the “anti-shredding" provision of Sarbanes-Oxley for the destruction of three undersized red grouper. It’s clear that ...Sarbanes-Oxley’s language was meant to reach financial instruments and documents---not fish. This case highlights the absurdity of some of our criminal laws, and the problems with federal over-criminalization. Congress must also shoulder some of the blame for this case for drafting poor legislation.

For more on this important case, see this summary from earlier in the year:…/one-fish-two-fish-three-fish-youre…/

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A man convicted of "shredding" undersized fish appeals to the Supreme Court.

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Under a racket called civil asset forfeiture, the cops can take cash, cars, and even homes without proving their owner committed any crime.