Committee Assignments

Rep. Marcy Kaptur is a relentless advocate for Ohio's north coast stretching from Toledo to Cleveland.  Her legislative priorities are vast, but top priorities include efforts: to stop poorly-negotiated trade agreements, to advocate for increased US-based manufacturing, to protect and improve economic conditions of all Americans including retirement security through earned pensions and Social Security benefits, and to safeguard the natural resource that is Lake Erie.  She currently serves on the House Appropriations Committee, which has authority over federal discretionary spending and determines spending levels for the entire federal government through a series of 12 separate annual appropriations bills.
Rep. Kaptur serves as the ranking member on the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development. In this position, she focuses on efforts to protect the natural resource of Lake Erie and has advocated for American energy independence through increased funding for renewable energy programs and research, such as wind and solar.  Kaptur also serves on the powerful Defense Subcommittee. She uses this assignment to advocate for a number of military assets throughout northern Ohio, such as the Toledo Air National Guard’s 180th Fighter Wing unit in Toledo, and Camp Perry a National Guard training facility located near Port Clinton, which also hosts the Ohio Air National Guard’s 200th Red Horse Squadron, and the significant number of defense industrial base manufacturers throughout the district. She also serves on the Interior Subcomittee, which has jurisdiction over environmental spending programs, including the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. Rep. Kaptur uses this position to advocate for clean water and the health of our Great Lakes.
Additionally, she has served on the Homeland Security Subcommittee, where she advocates or a secure northern border and  advances domestic security initiatives and supports all of the 9th District’s first- and emergency- responders.
Kaptur has previously served on the Committees on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, Budget, Oversight and Government Reform, and Veterans’ Affairs.
Kaptur is currently the longest-serving woman in the House of Representatives and is the second-longest serving current Member on the House Appropriations Committee.