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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois


Jun 4, 2018 Editorials

Rep. Quigley (IL-05) and Rep. Hultgren (IL-14) released the following op-ed in celebration of Immigrant Heritage Month, which is commemorated throughout the month of June.

Jun 1, 2018 Editorials

One year ago today, when the world was officially informed of President Donald Trump’s decision to remove the U.S. from the landmark Paris Agreement on climate action, I was standing at an overlook off Trail Ridge Road at the top of the Rockies in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Dec 1, 2017 Editorials
Op-ed on the State & Local Tax Deduction by Reps. Mike Quigley, Bill Foster, and Brad Schneider.
Oct 4, 2017 Editorials

The following article was published by RealClearScience on October 4, 2017. A link to the article can be found here.

Apr 5, 2017 Editorials
On March 25, 2017 eight people were shot in the city of Chicago. The following day, twelve more people. Some were victims of retaliations and many more were left with new plans to retaliate, resulting in the continuation of a vicious and deadly cycle. As more shots are fired, more deaths occur, and more people are exposed to the trauma—and susceptible to the influence—of violence. While this sequence isn’t unique to Chicago, it is all too evident on the streets we call home. Violence of all forms is wreaking havoc in communities across the country, disproportionately impacting communities of color and shaving half a million years of life off our collective lifespan. But, it doesn’t have to be this way.
Apr 5, 2017 Editorials
On March 25, 2017 eight people were shot in the city of Chicago. The following day, twelve more people. Some were victims of retaliations and many more were left with new plans to retaliate, resulting in the continuation of a vicious and deadly cycle. As more shots are fired, more deaths occur, and more people are exposed to the trauma—and susceptible to the influence—of violence.
Mar 22, 2017 Editorials
Whether you’re a member of Congress or the president of the United States, the American people are your best watchdog. In order for Americans to serve this vital function and fulfill these critical responsibilities, it is only reasonable to provide them with the resources they need to carry out the job. We can start by allowing them to see who has the ear of our nation’s highest leaders. That’s why I worked with my Democratic colleagues in the Senate to introduce the Make Access Records Available to Lead American Government Openness (MAR-A-LAGO) Act, which re-instates the Obama administration’s practice of releasing White House visitor logs.
Mar 21, 2017 Editorials
We are calling today for a dynamic U.S. initiative led by the Trump administration and Congress to unlock the potential of adolescent girls and young women in 13 low-income partner countries that matter significantly to U.S. national interests.
Feb 23, 2017 Editorials
I last visited Kyiv in April 2014, when the energy in the city was still electric. For months, Independence Square—dubbed the Euromaidan by Ukrainians seeking to tug their country out from under Russia’s grasp—had been occupied by protesters and police as unrest gripped the city in the dead of the Ukrainian winter. As I stood on Khreshchatyk Street, the Euromaidan was still filled with Ukrainians from every walk of life, demanding a more transparent government, a more democratic society and closer integration with Europe and the West.
Feb 3, 2017 Editorials
Despite the intelligence community's assessment that Russia interfered in our presidential election, President Donald Trump and Republican leadership seem wholly uninterested in examining how and why Russia targeted us — and what we must do to prevent it from happening again.
