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Congressman Mike Quigley

Representing the 5th District of Illinois


First Amendment

The First Amendment to our Constitution protects five fundamental values of our society – religion, speech, press, and the right to petition and assemble. Our unwavering commitment to these principles has withstood tough battles throughout our history and has remained a cornerstone of our democracy.

Russia Investigation

It is no secret that Moscow has a longstanding desire to undermine the liberal democratic order led by the United States. Vladimir Putin’s goal to erode public trust in the democratic process is evident by his intrusion in our election, but also by his willingness to disrupt the electoral process across Europe. We must continue our efforts to ensure Russia never meddles in our democracy again. Their actions not only threaten our democratic process and our founding ideals but also our economy and security.


Securing robust federal funding through the appropriations process is critical for safety and economic growth of the Fifth District, Chicago, and Illinois. And as your representative, I will continue to be a strong advocate for critical investments that continue to position Chicago as a 21st century city.


I believe that growing the economy will require getting our unsustainable debt and deficit problem under control. However, deficit reduction has to be done in a sustainable and responsible way, which is why I oppose severe, across-the-board cuts through sequestration. Instead, we must reform our outdated tax code to make it fairer and more competitive; implement smart reforms to entitlement programs, without unjustly harming beneficiaries; take a long-term look at our defense spending; and target government waste, fraud and abuse.
Photo for Choice issues section


In the face of the Trump Administration, it is even more imperative that a woman’s healthcare decisions remain between her and her doctor. Women must be free from government interference to make these choices about what is best for their health and their families. Choice is not solely a “women’s issue”. It’s a civil rights issue and an American issue. And as your representative in Washington, I will always stand up for women’s reproductive rights.
Defense & National Security

Defense & National Security

As a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, I am briefed daily about the threats facing our country and what we are doing to stop them. In these trying times, Americans are understandably concerned for their safety, but we must not allow fear to lead to overreaction, bad policy, or unintended consequences.
Photo for the District issues section


From the Lakeview neighborhood on Chicago’s north side to Bensenville in DuPage County, Illinois’s Fifth District is home to some of the region’s finest communities, businesses, and attractions. I am honored to call it my home and proud to represent the people who make it so unique.
Photo for the Economy issues section

Economy and Jobs

Our country has come a long way since 2008 when our nation experienced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Since that time, I’m proud to say our economy has significantly recovered. Unemployment has been cut in half, household wealth now exceeds pre-crisis levels, and we’ve had the longest streak of private-sector job growth in our history. However, it’s indisputable that too many Americans still aren’t experiencing the benefits of our growing economy.


An investment in our children's education is an investment in our country's future. The importance of providing our children the best possible education cannot be overstated, especially as so many Americans battle economic hardship. That’s why I have made modernizing and improving our school system a top priority during my time in Congress.


Energy / Environment

Protecting our environment is a top priority of mine and one of the reasons I entered public service. I will continue working with my colleagues to address the realities of climate change, and will dedicate my time in Congress to supporting legislation that protects our communities and develops strategies to combat the many threats facing our environment.


Whether it’s fighting for marriage equality, opposing senseless discrimination, or standing up for those who cannot defend themselves, I believe that we must be guided by doing what’s right, what’s fair, and what’s just. Our country is at its best when all voices are heard and represented equally and we must always strive towards that goal.
Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs

American leadership abroad is more necessary than ever due to a complex global landscape, evolving national security threats, and political instability around the globe. Whether in Syria, Ukraine, Western Europe or Israel, the evolving nature of our international relations requires us to continuously reevaluate what measures are necessary to really keep America safe.

Gun Violence

Gun Violence Prevention

Our nation is enduring a gun violence epidemic. Sadly, the tragedy of gun violence in America is compounded by another tragedy in Congress: the tragedy of inaction. That’s why I refuse to standby idly while thousands of Americans die each year due to gun violence.
Health Care

Health Care

Since coming to Congress in 2009, I have been a strong supporter of policies that will improve the overall health of my constituents. This includes supporting the Affordable Care Act, advocating for robust biomedical research funding and protecting Medicare for seniors.


My election to Congress in 2009 provided me with the opportunity to fight for my constituents on some of the most pressing issues facing our nation. While I take those responsibilities seriously, my role in Congress has also given me a platform to take my enthusiasm for the world’s greatest sport, hockey, to Capitol Hill.


We have a responsibility to work together to bring the American dream within reach for as many as possible and that begins with ensuring that every American has access to safe, affordable housing.



The United States has always been a nation of immigrants. It’s essential that our immigration policies reflect this country’s rich history of diversity and the countless contributions that immigrants have and continue to make. History tells us that comprehensive immigration reform raises wages, creates jobs, and generates additional tax revenue. That’s why I will continue to work towards pragmatic solutions that reform our broken immigration system, keep our borders secure, and provide a pathway to citizenship for the millions of undocumented immigrants currently living in the shadows.

O'Hare Noise

Since O’Hare became part of the 5th Congressional District in January 2013, my staff and I have become immersed in the issues surrounding the O’Hare Modernization Program (OMP). We have met repeatedly with residents and neighborhood groups to hear their concerns and convey those concerns to project officials and the airlines. But there’s more we need to do.
Reinventing Government

Reinventing Government

Congressman Quigley has long believed government must be consolidated, streamlined, and made more applicable for the 21st century. The mission of government matters, and in order to create the most efficient system possible, we must ask ourselves how we would design government if we were to start over from scratch today: what services would government provide? How would they be provided?



In Congress, I believe what we stand for as Americans can best be seen as direct reflection of how we care for our seniors. Will we protect the safety net we’ve built for you or choose to cut deep holes in it? You’ve worked hard for decades, some of you have served your country in uniform. You deserve to spend your retirement in good physical and fiscal health, and in Congress, we have to work together to make that a reality.
Transparency and Government Reform

Transparency and Government Reform

Good government is best characterized by openness, honesty and integrity. Transparency in government promotes accountability and helps foster public trust. As Justice Brandeis said, “Sunlight is the best of disinfectants.” That’s why I have made government reform, transparency and fiscal responsibility priorities during my time in Congress.


Transportation and infrastructure has served as the backbone of our economic success for generations. But today, our crumbling infrastructure is slowing economic growth and hurting our ability to create jobs. Now more than ever, it is important to invest in long-term projects seeking to modernize our national infrastructure, provide efficient and safe transportation of goods and people, and reduce congestion and pollution.


As Americans, we all owe a special debt of gratitude to our nation’s veterans. More importantly, we have a responsibility to protect and support them when they return from defending our freedoms abroad.