Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Unfortunately, so-called “free” trade agreements like NAFTA and the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement have allowed millions of good American jobs to be outsourced overseas where products can be produced cheaply, without those protections. Unfair trade agreements have helped spur the loss of more than 56,000 American manufacturing companies over the past 20 years. To that end, I am a strong supporter of Trade Adjustment Assistance which is designed to help through monetary assistance, job retraining and other benefits, those workers who have lost their living wage jobs due to our unfair trade deals.

I will continue to oppose the TPP, and similar agreements which would force Americans to compete against foreign operations that provide little or none of the wages, benefits, health, safety, environmental and human rights protections that have helped us build the strongest middle class in history. 

More on Trade

Dec 3, 2018 the Monday Report

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Thank you!

Mary and I are looking forward to returning to Minnesota life, spending more time with our children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors. 

Dear Friend, 

Sep 10, 2018 the Monday Report

Nolan to Introduce "No Shame-No Blame" Bill to Ban School Lunch Shaming and Hold Districts Accountable 


Jun 26, 2018 the Monday Report

Nolan, Kennedy and 188 Other House Democrats Back Bill to Keep Immigrant Families Together at Mexican Border


Jun 19, 2018 the Monday Report

Duluth's Own Cirrus Aircraft Flies into Aviation History - Wins Flight Industry's Top Award for Excellence and Development

As the Cirrus delegation proudly pointed out during the awards ceremony, the incredible Vision Jet is the world’s first single engine, personal jet aircraft equipped with a parachute system that actually floats the aircraft safely to the ground if trouble arises. 

Mar 7, 2018 In The News

He’s taking a lot of heat, but President Trump did the right thing by imposing a 25 percent tariff on foreign steel last week, and I’m defending his decision to the hilt. Using his authority under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act, Trump’s move came after the Commerce Department determined that illegal dumping of millions of tons of sub-par foreign steel into the U.S. marketplace is threatening U.S. national security by undermining the domestic iron ore and steel industries and putting thousands of miners and steelworkers out of work.

Mar 5, 2018 the Monday Report

Nolan Doubles Down in Defense of Trump's Decision to Impose Tariffs on Foreign Steel

Steelworkers rally in support of tariffs and taxes to put a stop to the illegal dumping of millions of tons of sub-par foreign steel into the U.S. marketplace. 

Dear Friend,

Jan 24, 2018 Press Release

[WASHINGTON D.C.] U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today joined 183 Members of Congress in calling on the United States Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer to end the outsourcing of good paying American jobs. Specifically, the Members of Congress urge Lighthizer – the U.S. representative in the NAFTA renegotiations – to fight for strong labor standards that end wage suppression and support increased labor rights for Mexican workers.


Jul 26, 2017 In The News

The International Trade Commission has decided to place duties of up to 209 percent on foreign steel rebar at the same time the White House decides how to come down on cheap steel imports.

On Friday, the ITC agreed to duties on Japanese rebar totaling 209 percent and Turkish steel totaling 24 percent.

Jun 16, 2017 Press Release

After testifying before the International Trade Commission (ITC) in May, U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today lauded the ITC’s decision today to heed his call to place duties of up to 209% on foreign steel rebar. 

In its final affirmative determination on the petition, the ITC agreed to duties on Japanese rebar totaling 209% and Turkish steel totaling 24%.