Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Net Neutrality

I support net neutrality because the internet should be free and accessible for everyone, to promote innovation, protect small businesses, and ensure consumer fairness. Just as our laws protect against monopolies in the business world, a few massive corporations should not be able to control the content or speed of the online world.

Wealthy corporations must not be permitted to buy special access to the internet - the internet should be free and equally accessible to everyone. Net neutrality is a common sense concept that requires all internet content to move at the same speed in order to encourage entrepreneurs, promote innovation, protect small businesses and ensure fairness for consumers. Just as our laws protect against monopolies in the business world, a few massive corporations should not be able to use their size and wealth to control content or speed in the online world. Our laws and policies should be encouraging, not discouraging, small business growth, innovation and job creation. The last thing we need is a two-tiered internet which allows big companies to purchase premium access, while small companies are effectively shut out.

More on Net Neutrality

Dec 18, 2017 the Monday Report

The Internet’s Been Hijacked!

Our Twitter graphic calling attention to the end of net neutrality went viral last week. The point is – this is what the Slow Lane of the Internet could soon look like.

Dear Friend,

Feb 17, 2015 In The News

This week the people of the U.S. had one huge victory in the battle against corporate control of everything. The FCC Chairman announced that he will be supporting the classifying of the Internet under Title 2, which will protect the Internet as a common carrier. This will insure that everyone gets the same priority on the Internet. Having followed this battle for years I want to specifically thank Sen. Franken and Rep. Nolan for supporting this effort and protecting the Internet from unfettered corporate pay-to-play control. I have personally spoken to Sen.

Nov 13, 2014 Press Release

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – “Wealthy corporations must not be permitted to buy special access to the internet - the internet should be free and equally accessible to everyone, ” U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan said today as he welcomed President Obama’s decision to press the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to adopt new rules to ensure “net neutrality.”