Pelosi: Single Best Action We Can Take to Support Troops and Veterans is Creating Jobs

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today after President Obama called on Congress to pass provisions of the American Jobs Act that put veterans back to work now.  Last week, Leader Pelosi and House Democrats met with veterans service organizations and focused on jobs for veterans. 

“As veterans organizations reinforced to House Democrats last week, the single best action we can take to support our troops and veterans is creating jobs.  Those who have served our nation in uniform are highly-skilled, they have demonstrated enormous leadership, and their service should be honored with job opportunities waiting for them when they come home.

“President Obama’s American Jobs Act includes tax credits for businesses that hire unemployed veterans and veterans with service-connected disabilities. This jobs legislation should enjoy bipartisan support but Republicans continue to block it.  Today, Democrats also cheer President Obama’s announcement that will take Administrative action to help get veterans back on the job, as well as their efforts to expand small business contracting opportunities for our veterans.

“This week, the Senate is likely to debate the ‘VOW to Hire Heroes Act of 2011,’ which combines a key component of President Obama’s jobs bill with a related, bipartisan initiative to boost employment opportunities for veterans.  Senate Democrats have committed their support, and House Democrats have supported a similar initiative.  We hope that this week, the week our nation honors Veterans Day, Republicans will join us.

“President Obama and Democrats in Congress are working tirelessly to open the door to job opportunities and put veterans back to work.  These efforts are critical to our community of veterans and to the strength of our economy.  On the battlefield, the military pledges to leave no soldier behind.  As a nation, let it be our pledge that when they return home, we leave no veteran behind.”

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