Pelosi Statement on One Year Since President Trump’s Termination of DACA

Sep 5, 2018
Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement marking one-year since President Trump terminated the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals initiative:
“One year ago, in a shameful act of cowardice and cruelty, President Trump terminated DACA, forcing hundreds of thousands of brave young men and women and their families to live under a cloud of fear and uncertainty.  The transformative DACA initiative honored our country’s proud heritage as a nation of newcomers, allowing patriotic Dreamers to come out of the shadows and fully contribute to our communities and our country, making America more American.
“Yet, despite overwhelming support among the American people, most Republicans have callously refused to protect Dreamers, and continue to stonewall every effort to bring the bipartisan Dream Act to the Floor for a vote.  Instead, they have doubled down on their hateful, discriminatory anti-immigrant agenda, cruelly standing by the President’s barbaric family separation policy, using patriotic Dreamers as partisan political pawns and insulting our nation’s values of openness, freedom and opportunity.
“Dreamers have made beautiful, powerful contributions to our nation as students, teachers, first responders, servicemembers and entrepreneurs.  While the GOP Congress obstructs, a Democratic Majority will take action to deliver on the dream of these patriotic young people.  We will continue to fight For The People as we work to ensure America remains a nation of hope, freedom and opportunity for all.”

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