Pelosi Statement on 24th Anniversary of Violence Against Women Act

Sep 13, 2018
Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement to mark the 24th anniversary of the enactment of the landmark Violence Against Women Act legislation, which President Bill Clinton signed into law on September 13, 1994:

“Twenty-four years ago, President Clinton signed the historic Violence Against Women Act and ushered in transformative progress to protect women from violence and abuse.  Almost a quarter century later, VAWA continues to provide critical support to victims, survivors and communities to work to better ensure they have the resources necessary to seek justice and receive care.

“All women deserve to be safe from violence whether at home, work, school or anywhere in our society.  Yet, five years ago, House Republicans spent 18 months fighting to prevent an inclusive VAWA reauthorization from being enacted into law, in an appalling attempt to exclude immigrant, LGBTQ and Native American women from the law’s vital protections.  Fortunately, Democrats fought relentlessly until Congress passed a strong VAWA reauthorization that protects every woman, even while more than 60 percent of House Republicans voted ‘no’ on the final, inclusive bill.

“And now, with just four legislative days left before VAWA’s provisions are set to expire on September 30, House Republicans have announced no plan for reauthorizing VAWA for another five years.  Republicans should bring the strong VAWA Reauthorization Act of 2018 introduced by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee to the House Floor immediately.  This commonsense reauthorization bill has the support of the nonpartisan groups that are focused on violence against women issues and deserves strong bipartisan support.

“Republicans should work with Democrats in getting Rep. Jackson-Lee’s VAWA Reauthorization Act enacted into law.  If the House GOP can make time to vote on yet another GOP tax scam for the rich, they must not leave Washington at the end of September without having passed this vital VAWA reauthorization into law.  Democrats are determined to continue to fight For The People to ensure that every woman in every place can live free from violence.”

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