Congressman Ted Yoho

Representing the 3rd District of Florida
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Yoho Votes to Strengthen America’s Energy Security

Dec 3, 2015
Press Release
Yoho amendment added to HR 8 stops frivolous environmental lawsuits

Washington D.C. – Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL-03) voted yes on H.R. 8, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act. H.R. 8 will help make sure America remains the leader in energy production; modernizing our energy infrastructure, protect our electricity system, strengthen our energy security, and improve the nation’s energy efficiency and government accountability. Congressman Yoho released the following statement after his vote:

“We need to do what is necessary to secure America’s energy independence and keep our nation strong. The energy bill I voted for today will do just that and help set the nation’s energy sector up for success in the 21 century. I want to commend House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton for putting America first and bringing a strong energy bill to the floor this week.

“By making much needed improvements to our energy infrastructure and modernizing our antiquated energy laws we not only ensure that all Americans will have access to affordable and reliable energy, but we improve the national security of America and bring stability to the world. The Obama Administration has engaged in building regulatory roadblocks that stifle the innovative spirit of the nation’s energy producers. This in turn slows economic growth and keeps the economic engines of America idle. This must end and today we took a step in the right direction to do just that.”

* Within H.R. 8, the House passed Congressman Yoho’s amendment that limits frivolous environmental lawsuits. Yoho’s amendment not only limits frivolous lawsuits but limits excessive payouts to lawyers that challenge energy projects which have already gone through the environmental process and have been issued permits.