Congressman Ted Yoho

Representing the 3rd District of Florida
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Yoho Statement on Energy Executive Order

Mar 28, 2017
Press Release

Washington D.C. —Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL) issued the following statement on President Trump’s executive action on energy:

“President Trump’s energy executive order today is a welcome sign to our energy sector and all who work to power America. Our economy and the world runs on energy in various forms. The last administration loaded countless regulations on the back of our economy and that crippled America’s energy industry. Today’s executive order reverses the harm done by misguided overregulation.  

“The previous administration’s Clean Power Plan crushed the coal industry and will increase electricity prices in 41 States by at least ten percent, according to NERA Economic Consulting. The plan itself was temporarily blocked by the Supreme Court last year. I am committed to voting for the reversal and repeal of burdensome regulations that hurt jobs; especially those that drive up the cost of energy.”
