Congressman Ted Yoho

Representing the 3rd District of Florida
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Defense and National Security

National defense is a key function of the Federal government. While we must always strive to protect our citizens, we must be careful that our protection does not infringe on our civil liberties. The PATRIOT Act and similar legislation, while well-intentioned, need strong reforms to ensure that privacy and liberty are protected. Recent events have proven the need for strong reforms at the NSA and other agencies. As such, I am a proud cosponsor of of the LIBERT-E Act and the NSA Inspector General Act. The LIBERT-E Act eliminates the authority the NSA uses to broadly collect citizen's data and the NSA Inspector General Act brings accountability to the agency. I am a proponent of a stong national defense, but our nation is only as strong as our bedrock--the Constitution. I believe our Founders knew that national security and liberty can go hand-in-hand. We must always work towards a Federal government that achieves that balance.

More on Defense and National Security

Dec 20, 2018 Press Release

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Ted S. Yoho (R-FL-03) released the following statement after voting to keep the government open and fund border security:

Sep 28, 2018 In The News

WASHINGTON — The co-chairs of the United States Congressional Caucus for Effective Foreign Assistance made a strong case for bipartisan support of foreign assistance programs the day after President Donald Trump questioned the return of aid investments in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly.

Sep 24, 2018 In The News

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The head of the main U.S. agency for aiding developing country infrastructure projects said on Monday the ability to extend funding for such investments is expected to double if new legislation is approved by the U.S. Congress.

Ray Washburne, president of the Overseas Private Investment Corp, told Reuters that the inclusion of the “Build Act” into must-pass legislation reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration will accelerate the expansion and redesign of the agency.

Sep 24, 2018 In The News

Must-pass FAA bill includes ‘Build Act,’ a bid to counter China’s influence by bolstering development financing


WASHINGTON—The U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote this week on a must-pass piece of legislation that includes a provision that would dramatically bolster American funding of global infrastructure and development projects.

Sep 20, 2018 In The News

Go with the ‘Goldilocks approach.’

The evidence collected by Special Counsel Robert Mueller—and others—have revealed that Russia clearly attempted to influence the outcome of the 2016 election, although the efficacy of that effort may be subject to debate.

Sep 19, 2018 In The News

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s latest agreement with South Korean President Moon Jae-in shouldn’t lead to any sanctions relief, a top Republican lawmaker urged Wednesday.

“Maximum pressure campaign should proceed,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Ed Royce tweeted.

Sep 8, 2018 In The News

The US House of Representatives passed a bill this week that would have the White House create and maintain a database containing all the names of individuals and cyber-threat groups associated with foreign cyber-espionage operations active against the US.

The bill, named the Cyber Deterrence and Response Act of 2018 (H.R. 5576), was proposed in June by Rep. Ted Yoho (R, Florida), and passed in the House on Wednesday, September 5, after a voice vote.

Sep 8, 2018 In The News

The House passed a bill this week that would direct the White House to form a database "containing all the names of individuals and cyber-threat groups associated with foreign cyber-espionage operations" targeting the U.S., ZDNet reports.

Sep 7, 2018 In The News

U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla., who sits on the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, scored a win this week as the House passed his proposal protecting the nation from cyberattacks. 

Yoho, the chairman of the U.S. House Asia and Pacific Subcommittee, brought out the “Cyber Deterrence and Response Act” back in April. The proposal sets up a three-step process for the federal government to identify, deter and respond to state-sponsored cyberattacks. 

Sep 5, 2018 Press Release

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Ted S. Yoho’s bipartisan bill to combat state-sponsored cyber-attacks passed the House today by voice vote.  The Cyber Deterrence and Response Act of 2018 (H.R. 5576) creates a three-step process for identifying, deterring, and responding to malicious, state-sponsored cyber-attacks. Congressman Yoho released the following statement: