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Short Bio

Congresswoman Niki Tsongas was elected to the United States House of Representatives in a 2007 special election, becoming the first woman in twenty-five years to serve in Congress from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. She represents the Massachusetts Third District, holding the same seat that was held three decades earlier by her late husband, former Congressman, Senator and presidential candidate Paul Tsongas. The Third District spans across portions of Essex, Middlesex and Worcester counties.

The Third District has a proud tradition of military service, and Congresswoman Tsongas honors that tradition, as well as the military family she grew up in, by serving as a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee. In this role, she has championed the fight to combat and prevent sexual assault in the military; authored numerous pieces of legislation that provide modern, cutting-edge resources, to our servicemembers; and worked to support veterans transitioning to civilian life. She has also led the push for modernized body armor and is working to support the unparalleled innovation taking place at Massachusetts military installations. In 2017, she was elected by her peers to serve as the Ranking Member of the largest subcommittee, the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee.

Congresswoman Tsongas also serves as a senior member of the Natural Resources Committee. In addition, she has made supporting small businesses a priority and encouraging the growth of the state-of-the-art manufacturing and technology companies that have become a trademark of the region.

The Congresswoman has made accessibility a hallmark of her Congressional office.  With offices in Lowell, Lawrence and Fitchburg, and office hours in Haverhill and Marlborough, she has worked to make it as easy as possible for residents to connect with her about any issue of concern to them or to get assistance with problems they may have when dealing with federal agencies.