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Case work/Help with Agencies

"Representing the 3rd District is an honor. One of my top priorities is to help you navigate the services provided by the federal government when you need assistance."

Social Security & Medicare

You can call me for help with lost or delayed checks, applications, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the Medicare prescription drug benefit, Medicare eligibility, coverage, or the status of reimbursement disputes.

Veterans Affairs

My office helps many veterans having trouble with federal agencies. We can also help obtain copies of military records or service medals.

Federal Grants

We can help local businesses and organizations navigate the federal government for funding and grants.

College Loans, Grants and Academy Nominations

If you need help cutting through the red tape when applying for college loans and grants, I can be a resource to you. And, I can nominate qualified students for admission to one of our nation's military academies.

Help with Passports, Visas and Adoptions

My offices can also help you get answers to questions and problems such as whom to contact to obtain a passport, visa or international adoption application.

Privacy Act Consent Form

Please fill out the form by clicking here

For immigration related cases please fill out the form here.

Press Release

More than 900 residents helped, $360,000 secured for constituents by Tsongas office during first half of 2016

LOWELL– July 2017 – Congresswoman Niki Tsongas today announced her office’s constituent service casework numbers for the first half of 2017.

Constituent cases are instances in which a resident of the Third District seeks assistance from the Congresswoman’s office, such as help when dealing with a federal agency. Issues range from veterans benefits to immigration issues to health care or IRS inquiries, and much more. The numbers below reflect the number of Third District residents helped by the Congresswoman and her office from January through the end of June.

Since the start of 2017, Congresswoman Tsongas’ office has communicated with933 residents of the Third District regarding specific casework. Also in that time span, Tsongas’ office has successfully closed 918 constituent cases and obtained $361,541 in federal benefits for constituents in the Third District.

Congresswoman Tsongas held one town hall event and spoke at 6 other community-type town hall events, and in total, has spoken at 22 engagements since January 2017. She has also hosted a telephone town hall event reaching thousands of homes during which residents ask her questions directly from the comfort of their own homes.

The Congresswoman has visited 13 local businesses in the Third District since January 2017, meeting with companies small and large – from mom-and-pop small businesses to schools to non-profit organizations – to discuss issues of importance to the region’s employers and employees.

Charles Price, a constituent from Chelmsford, MA, said: “My father, who is a 94 year old WWII veteran, had received a substantial bill for medical care at a private hospital after being referred there by the Veteran’s Choice Program. I contacted Congresswoman Tsongas’s office for assistance as I believed my father’s care should have been covered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Congresswoman Tsongas’s office acted quickly and advocated on behalf of my father. Ultimately, his medical care was covered. This is the second time the Congresswoman has assisted my father and I would recommend that any veteran in need of assistance contact her office for help. She has been of great service to us.”

Lillian Burkhart, a constituent from Shirley, MA, said: “I am a small business employer that makes hand crafted musical instruments. In January of 2017 new regulations were implemented across multiple government agencies concerning the import and export of a certain hardwood that is vital to our manufacture. Lack of clarity across these agencies and lengthy processing times had seriously disrupted my business. The support team at Congresswoman Tsongas’ Lowell office flew into action with the US Fish and Wildlife Congressional Affairs and in short order we had our permits to responsibly import and export this precious resource. Many thanks for the prompt, professional advocacy I received.”

Richard Merrill, a constituent from Dracut, MA, said: “For over a year and a half, I had been attempting to resolve an issue with my Social Security retirement benefits. Eventually, I decided to contact Congresswoman Tsongas’s office for assistance. Within a week of speaking with her office, my problem was solved. Her staff took the time to understand the ongoing problem and worked diligently on my behalf. I am very grateful for the help I received from Congresswoman Tsongas and her Constituent Services team.”

Roja and Anand Ayyagary, constituents from Westford, MA, said: “We first contacted the Congresswoman’s office in 2008 regarding our daughter's Green Card application. At the time, we were unsure of the status of her pending application and needed help obtaining accurate information. Congresswoman Tsongas’s staff were very friendly and provided timely help. Over the years, we have continued to reach out to the Congresswoman’s office for assistance with a variety of issues including passports, visas, and citizenship information as her staff have proven to be a valuable resource. We are very grateful for their assistance.”

“It is an honor and a great responsibility to represent the people of Massachusetts’ Third District, and as such I have made accessibility a priority,” said Congresswoman Tsongas. “As a member of Congress, we must take action legislatively and take action locally. In many cases, those two priorities align, as many bills I have authored in Washington have been the result of conversation and concerns I heard directly from Third District residents. Constituent services are a critical piece of any Congressional office, and are integral to ensuring I bring the issues important to the Third District down to Washington. I thank my hardworking staff for their commitment to public service and encourage anyone in the Third District that is in need of assistance with federal agencies, or has questions or concerns, to never hesitate to reach out.”

Below you will find additional statistics regarding constituent casework during the first half of 2017.

Top Issue Areas:        

  • Immigration and Passports: 175 cases
  • Veterans’ Affairs & Active Military: 94 cases
  • Social Security: 58 cases
  • Housing: 20 cases
  • IRS: 18 cases

Examples of the number of constituent cases from Third District communities:

  • Andover: 49
  • Chelmsford: 41
  • Dracut: 54
  • Fitchburg: 26
  • Gardner: 14
  • Haverhill: 76
  • Lawrence: 48
  • Lowell: 145
  • Marlborough: 34
  • Methuen: 45
  • Westford: 47