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USDA Corrects Delay on Livestock Assistance

More than 90 percent of Wyo producers received payments since letter to Johanns

November 2, 2005

Washington, D.C. – After a second reminder to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Senators Craig Thomas and Mike Enzi announced today that 90 percent of Wyoming producers have received assistance payments previously delayed by USDA.

The senators demanded immediate action to get payments in the hands of producers who were hurt by drought across Wyoming in a notice to Agriculture Secretary Michael Johanns on October 24. It was the second letter to USDA since July 2005.

“Unfortunately, our producers took a hit because of this delay. There’s no excuse for that kind of holdup. These folks’ financial obligations didn’t take a vacation,” Thomas said.

“First it was the weather leaving our ranchers high and dry and then it was the USDA, but now both seem to be cooperating better,” Enzi said. “The rest of the delegation and I will continue to work on this so the other 10 percent also receive their payments.”

The Livestock Assistance Program and American Indian Livestock Feed Program were intended to provide assistance to eligible livestock producers for grazing losses suffered in either 2003 or 2004 production years as a result of drought.
