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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., looks forward to learning more about President Bush’s pick to become the next Supreme Court justice, Judge Samuel Alito. Enzi hopes partisans on both sides will keep the rhetoric level to a minimum and concentrate on the qualifications of the nominee.

“From what I’ve seen so far Judge Alito appears to have an excellent reputation as being highly intelligent and fair-minded. That’s similar to Chief Justice Roberts whose confirmation went through without the problems that have come up during other confirmations. I hope we will have another relatively clean, calm, confirmation process that will end in a timely up-or-down vote.

“At least some senators have already voted for him. He was approved unanimously in 1990 to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Hopefully senators will concentrate on the man’s qualifications instead of spending their energy looking for political bickering points. Is he experienced enough to handle the job? Does he have a record of interpreting the law instead of legislating from the bench? Is he fair-minded? Does he show commitment to the rule of law? Does he have a reputation of integrity? These are the questions we should be seeking the answers to and then once we’ve found them we should each vote our conscience. We should not be denied an up or down vote by those who put partisanship above principle.”
