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Congressman Tom MacArthur

Representing the 3rd District of New Jersey

MacArthur Named to Speaker Ryan’s Economic Growth Taskforce

July 29, 2016
Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Tom MacArthur today announced that he has been appointed to Speaker Paul Ryan’s Congressional Task Force on Economic Growth in Puerto Rico. Congressman MacArthur is one of two Republican members in the House to join the Task Force.

The bicameral commission is represented by four members of the House, including Representatives MacArthur, Duffy, Velazquez and Pierluisi. Senate members include Senators Hatch, Rubio, Menendez and Nelson.

The eight-member Task Force will be responsible for developing ways to bolster Puerto Rico’s economy while protecting taxpayers. MacArthur’s background in business allowed him to craft the framework necessary to spur job creation, reduce poverty and drive investment to the island.

“The economic health of Puerto Rico is of great importance to the United States and I am grateful for the opportunity to work on this Commission,” said Congressman Tom MacArthur.  “Working together, we can improve the lives of the 3.7 million American citizens who live in Puerto Rico and build a framework of pro-growth initiatives to jumpstart their economy and the broader U.S. economy.”

“It’s crucial that the Puerto Rican government enacts common-sense, pro-growth reforms,” said Speaker Ryan. “Congressman MacArthur is the type of leader we need to make the right recommendations so Puerto Rico can create jobs and reboot its economy.”
