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Congressman Tom MacArthur

Representing the 3rd District of New Jersey

Congressional Social Investment Taskforce

Social Investing—also called Impact Investing or Social Finance—refers to any form of investing that aims to create specific, measurable, and positive social impact in addition to financial returns.

The members of the bipartisan Congressional Social Investment Taskforce, co-chaired by Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) and Rep. John Delaney (D-MD), believe it is in the interests of the United States to encourage the growth and success of the social investment sector. By leveraging private capital to create social good, social investment can benefit American taxpayers, communities, and investors:

  • By attracting private capital to address social challenges, the burden placed on government programing will be lightened, saving taxpayer dollars
  • By harnessing the innovation, agility, and discipline of the private sector, exciting possibilities can emerge for addressing social challenges in creative and financially sustainable ways
  • By rewarding social investment that achieves high quality and measurable targets, the quality of social programming will improve
  • By actively promoting social investment, investors will gain new opportunities to gain both financially and from an increased sense of community involvement

In addition to many grassroots organizations, the potential of social investment has been championed by:

  • Leading financial institutions
  • Leading philanthropic organizations
  • Leading think-tanks from across the political spectrum
  • State and local governments

The Congressional Social Investment Taskforce exists: 1) to educate Members of Congress and their staff regarding the merits of social investment; 2) to generate Congressional support for policies that promote, encourage and incentivize social investment; and 3) to provide a forum for the social investment community to engage with Members of Congress on issues of concern.

Please consider joining the Taskforce as it seeks to lend Congressional support to the many voices already advocating on behalf of this exciting and innovative sector.

To join the Taskforce or to find further information, contact Chris Griswold ( in Rep. Tom MacArthur’s office or Xan Fishman ( in Rep. John Delaney’s office.