Pelosi Statement on Unveiling of America’s College Promise Legislation

Jul 8, 2015
Press Release

Contact: Drew Hammill, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement after Education and Workforce Committee Ranking Member Bobby Scott, Congresswoman Judy Chu, Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, Congressman G.K. Butterfield and Congressman Seth Moulton unveiled the America’s College Promise Act of 2015:

“Education beyond high school has become an increasingly indispensable ladder of opportunity, prosperity and security in the 21st Century.  Today, America’s community colleges are more important than ever in empowering hard-working Americans to secure a foothold in the middle class.

“We know that to have real equality of opportunity, we must have equality of education.  The America’s College Promise Act unveiled today represents a vital investment in more than nine million hard-working students across the country – making two years of community college free, and providing an affordable pathway to a four-year degree.  This bill further strengthens our commitment to the critical minority serving institutions that have been stalwart leaders in the effort to break down barriers in the equity and achievement gap in our country.

“Nothing returns more to the Treasury than investments in education, from early childhood to lifetime learning.  My thanks to President Obama for his strong leadership in calling for two years of free community college, and to our excellent Ranking Member Bobby Scott and my colleagues for their work in crafting this legislation. The America’s College Promise Act is a critical investment in the future of our country.  For the sake of our economy and our democracy, Congress must act to ensure that pursuing a college degree becomes affordable and available to all hard-working Americans.”

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