Pelosi Statement on Trump-DeVos Draft Proposal to Roll Back Title IX

Nov 16, 2018
Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos unveiled a draft proposal that rolls back campus sexual assault rules and critical protections for survivors of sexual assault on college campuses:
“Today, Secretary DeVos and the Trump Administration reversed decades of progress for students, schools and survivors.  With wanton disregard, this Administration has cruelly codified their utter contempt for survivor justice by making schools unwelcoming and less safe.
“This draft proposal enables schools to shirk responsibility, completely ignores harassment, denies survivors due process and discourages survivors to come forward.  Yet again, the Trump Administration and Republicans continue to perpetuate the most anti-woman, anti-student and anti-equality agenda in recent memory.  Across all three branches of government, they are waging a vicious war on progress and protections for survivors, students, women’s health care and basic freedoms.
“The continued pattern of Secretary DeVos and the Trump Administration to roll back critical Title IX and civil rights protections is a disgrace.  Our Democratic Majority, led by strong, diverse and dynamic women, will fight this cruel agenda and instead take bold, immediate action to ensure that every student and survivor, in every place, can live free from the fear of sexual harassment and violence.”

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