Pelosi Statement on Trump Administration’s Plan to Roll Back Title IX Protections

Aug 30, 2018
Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released this statement after reports that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will issue a new rule making it harder for victims of campus assault and sexual abuse to seek justice, while lessening colleges’ responsibility to respond to incidents:

“Today is yet another chapter in the anti-student, anti-women and anti-equality agenda of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.  The reported plan to roll back critical protections, increase the burden of proof and create extraordinary new barriers to justice for survivors of sexual assault on college campuses is an insult to students.

“Campus sexual assault is an epidemic in America, with one in four women experiencing sexual abuse on college campuses.  Seven years ago, the Obama Administration had the courage to say ‘Enough is enough,’ and took historic steps to ensure that every student feels safe at school.  Yet, Secretary DeVos has continuously worked to undermine Title IX’s critical protections and the rights of students in an effort to push her harmful ideology and destructive special interest agenda.

“Democrats will always protect students, victims and survivors – not betray them.  As we stand firm against this administration’s relentless attacks on the rights of women and students, we will continue to fight For The People to ensure our government works for everyone.”

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