Pelosi Statement on the Federal School Safety Commission Report

Dec 18, 2018
Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement after the Trump Administration published its final report and recommendations from the Federal Commission in School Safety:
“Today, the tenure of Secretary DeVos and the Trump Administration has reached a new low.  The Trump Administration’s Federal Commission on School Safety report places special interests and the NRA ahead of our responsibility to protect our children and ensure a safe and welcoming school environment for students of all backgrounds.
“The Trump Administration ignored students, teachers and families to roll back students’ civil rights and fill our classrooms with deadly firearms.  Not only are Republicans ignoring proven research and dismantling vital student anti-discrimination protections, they have blocked commonsense gun violence prevention measures and underfunded effective school climate practices, anti-bullying initiatives, after-school programs and school counselor supports. 
“The new Democratic Majority will act decisively against ill-conceived attacks that make our schools less safe and ensure all students are free from discrimination.  We will take action to prevent gun violence, invest boldly in quality public education, and uphold the integrity of the Every Student Succeeds Act so that all students, regardless of their zip code, succeed.”

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