Pelosi Statement on the 8th Anniversary of the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act

Mar 30, 2018
Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement in commemoration of the eighth anniversary of the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act:

“Eight years ago, our nation took a momentous step toward fulfilling the promise of an affordable, quality education for every student when Democrats passed the single largest investment in student aid in American history.  The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act has been transformative, lowering the cost of student loans, strengthening community colleges, increasing the purchasing power of Pell Grants, investing in Minority Serving Institutions and knocking down barriers for students looking to pursue a higher education. 
“Sadly, the Trump Administration and Congressional Republicans continue to undermine the right of hard-working Americans to pursue affordable higher education for themselves and their children.  Republicans have worked to destroy Pell Grants, decimate loan repayment flexibility, open the floodgates of federal dollars to fraudulent institutions and rip away critical civil rights protections from students on college campuses.  In committee and in their billionaires-first budget proposal, Republicans are working to deepen the divide between the opportunities available for the richest and for everyone else.  
“Nothing returns more to the Treasury than investments in education.  Democrats will continue to fight back against Republican efforts to undermine the financial security and civil liberties of American students and borrowers.  We will continue to press for progress to ensure an affordable, quality and meaningful college education is within reach for every American.”

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