Pelosi Statement on Reports of Trump Administration Rollback of Affirmative Action Guidance

Jul 3, 2018
Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after reports that the Trump Administration will announce that it will rescind key parts of the Obama Administration’s guidance from 2011 and 2016, which allows race to be voluntarily used when appropriate in college admissions policy:

“The Administration’s rollback of vital affirmative action guidance offends our nation’s values and promise of opportunity for all.  It is yet another clear Trump Administration attack on communities of color and the principle that every student deserves a high-quality education that allows them to thrive.

“The Obama Administration’s guidance reaffirmed the truth that diversity is the strength of our schools and our nation – a truth that is now under direct attack from the Trump Administration’s discriminatory agenda.  From day one, Secretary DeVos, Attorney General Sessions and the Trump Cabinet have trampled over settled law in their haste to undermine decades of progress toward ensuring that our schools and workforce reflect the diversity of our nation.  With the retirement of Justice Kennedy, the Trump Administration has the chance to accelerate its relentless attacks on the rights and opportunities of communities of color.

 “Our economy, society and democracy are enriched when every person, regardless of their zip code, has a shot at a quality education that allows them to climb the ladders of opportunity.  America’s educators can and must continue to advance diversity and inclusiveness in our schools and workforce, and ensure that young people of all backgrounds, races, and ethnicities can receive a strong education that provides a foundation for success.  Democrats will continue to fight this Administration’s outrageous attacks on equality, and will fight to ensure that a higher education is open to all not just the privileged few.”

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