Pelosi Statement on House Republican Budget

Jun 19, 2018
Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after House Republicans released their FY2019 budget resolution, which calls for massive cuts to health, education and economic initiatives for working and middle class families:

“This brutal Republican budget has one purpose: to force hard-working American families to foot the bill for the GOP tax scam for the rich’s massive handouts to big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent.  Just like the Trump Budget, the House Republican budget would inflict devastating damage on the pillars of health and financial security in our nation.  

“After adding $2 trillion to the deficit with the GOP tax scam for the rich, Republicans are moving to cut up to $1 trillion from Medicaid, to destroy the Medicare guarantee, and to take away health care from millions of working families.  Republicans are calling for staggering, multi-trillion dollar cuts to vital initiatives for students, veterans, hungry families, farmers and retirees.  The GOP wants seniors with long-term care needs and rural communities to pay for their deficit-exploding tax breaks to the wealthiest 1 percent.   

“A budget is a statement of values, but this budget shows that Republicans’ special interest agenda only values corporate and wealthy donors, not middle and working class Americans.  Democrats are fighting to deliver real, life-changing investments in the American people with A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future.”

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