Gun Violence Prevention

Tragically, each day ninety-one people in America are killed by guns. Too many families in our nation bare the painful stories of loved ones lost to gun violence and this heartbreak ripples through our communities with each new gun death. Americans deserve a nation where their homes, their neighborhoods, their dance clubs, their places of worship and their classrooms are free from fear.

Upon taking office, every Member of Congress makes a solemn pledge: to protect and defend the American people.  To honor this promise, we must do everything in our power to keep our communities safe from the threat of gun violence. While I strongly support President Obama's comprehensive approach to strengthen background checks and enforce existing law, these commonsense steps cannot substitute Congressional action.

Unfortunately, even after the worst mass shooting in American history at Pulse Night Club in Orlando, House Republicans refused to allow a vote on legislation to strengthen background checks or the ‘No Fly, No Buy’ bill to prevent individuals on the terrorist watch list from purchasing guns which is supported by 85 percent of Americans.

Congresswoman Pelosi joins Bay Area Members of Congress, law Enforcement and community leaders, and survivors of gun violence for the National Day of Action for Commonsense Gun Violence Prevention

That is why I joined with my Democratic colleagues for a 25 hour “No Bill, No Break” sit-in on the House floor urging Speaker Ryan not to recess before holding a vote on commonsense gun violence prevention legislation. However, House Republicans refused to listen to the call of the American people. We will continue to lead the charge to implement universal background checks and commonsense reforms that keep guns out of the hands of criminals, terrorists and the mentally ill. We will not accept one more moment of silence without action.

Learn more about gun violence prevention issues>>

More on Gun Violence Prevention

Dec 14, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Sep 20, 2018 Press Release
Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement following a shooting in Aberdeen, Maryland that claimed the lives of at least three innocent people:

“The hearts of all Americans break for the victims of the brutal shooting this morning in Aberdeen.  Every American grieves with the families of those who lost loved ones, and send our most profound gratitude to the heroic first responders whose courage prevented further loss of life.

Sep 13, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement after the deadly shooting in Bakersfield, California;

“Yesterday, America’s heartbreaking epidemic of gun violence stole more innocent lives.  Our hearts go out to the victims, their families and the entire Bakersfield community currently grieving this latest tragedy.  It is with deep gratitude that we thank the brave first responders for their heroic efforts to aid those in need.

Aug 27, 2018 Press Release
Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616
San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement after the deadly shooting at a video game tournament at Jacksonville Landing in Jacksonville, Florida wounded 11 and took the lives of 2 individuals:
Jun 28, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement following a shooting at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland which claimed at least 5 lives:

“As a native of Maryland, my heart is with the victims of the brutal shooting at the Capital Gazette.  In mass shootings and daily tragedies, the epidemic of gun violence has stolen too many lives for far too long.  

Jun 18, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

San Francisco, CA – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released this statement marking three years since the racist act of violence that killed nine parishioners at the historic Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. on June 17, 2015:

May 23, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi joined the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force forum to hear proposals from young leaders and students.  Below are the Leader’s remarks: 

May 14, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Apr 20, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement to mark the nineteenth anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting:

Apr 9, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement following reports of a chemical weapons attack by the Syrian regime targeting civilians in Douma, Syria:

“If confirmed, another chemical weapons attack by Bashar al-Assad’s regime against its own people would be a war crime of staggering inhumanity.  The murder of innocent children violates every standard of morality and our common humanity.