Better Deal

A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future   

House Democrats are fighting to make sure that all working people know that somebody has their back. By giving our communities the tools they need to thrive, and empowering American families and workers, we will unlock unprecedented economic growth that will lead to better jobs, better wages, and a better future.

To unlock that future, Democrats are focusing on three goals:

■ Raise the wages and incomes of American workers and create millions of good-paying jobs: Our plan for A Better Deal starts by creating millions of good-paying, full-time jobs by directly investing in our crumbling infrastructure and prioritizing small business and entrepreneurs, instead of giving tax breaks to special interests. We will aggressively crack down on unfair foreign trade and fight back against corporations that outsource American jobs. We will fight to ensure a living wage for all Americans and keep our promise to millions of workers who earned a pension, Social Security and Medicare, so seniors can retire with dignity.

■ Lower the costs of living for families: We will offer A Better Deal that will lower the crippling cost of prescription drugs and the cost of a college or technical education that leads to a good job. We will fight for families struggling with high monthly bills like childcare, credit card fees, and cable bills. We will crack down on monopolies and the concentration of economic power that has led to higher prices for consumers, workers, and small business – and make sure Wall Street never endangers Main Street again.

■ Build an economy that gives working Americans the tools to succeed in the 21st Century:: Americans deserve the chance to get the skills, tools, and knowledge to find a good-paying job or to move up in their career to earn a better living. We will commit to A Better Deal that provides new tax incentives to employers that invest in workforce training and education and make sure the rules of the economy support companies that focus on long-term growth, rather than short-term profits. We will make it a national priority to bring high-speed Internet to every corner of America and offer apprenticeships to millions of new workers. We will encourage innovation, invest in advanced research and ensure start-ups and small businesses can compete and prosper.

It’s time to put government back on the side of all Americans, not just those at the top. It’s time for A Better Deal.

More on Better Deal

Aug 6, 2018 Press Release
Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly
San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released this statement to mark the 53rd anniversary of the landmark Voting Rights Act, which was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on August 6, 1965:
Aug 3, 2018 Press Release
Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly,
San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement to mark eleven years since the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act, passed by the Democratic Congress, was signed into law on August 3, 2007:
Jul 31, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released this statement after the Government Accountability Office released a report estimating that, following passage of the GOP Tax Scam for the rich, 30 million taxfilers will owe money on their 2018 tax returns, filed in 2019:

Jul 31, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement on Republicans’ reported plan to hand a new $100 billion tax cut to the wealthiest, allowing filers to account for inflation in determining capital gains tax liabilities:

“Once again, Republicans have exposed the true priorities of their tax scam: billions in tax breaks for the wealthiest at the expense of everyone else. 

Jul 20, 2018 Press Release
Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after Republicans blocked a bipartisan ZTE sanctions provisions from being included in the defense bill:

“After all their posturing, Republicans chose to fold and cravenly sell out America’s workers and national security.  Our government should be using every tool at hand to hold ZTE, a known sanctions violator and cyber-security threat, accountable.

Jul 20, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today, marking the anniversary of President Barack Obama’s signing of the landmark, Democratic-passed Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act on July 21, 2010:

Jul 19, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi held her weekly press conference today in the Capitol Visitor Center.  Below are the Leader’s remarks: 
Leader Pelosi.  Good morning.  Good morning.  We meet today, a very sad moment for our American people.  On Monday, the entire world witnessed President Trump cower in the presence of Putin.  I sadly beseech President Trump to apologize to the American people for his disgraceful, dangerous and damaging behavior with Putin in Helsinki. 

Jul 17, 2018 Press Release

Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the Trump Administration announced a new tax policy that allows certain non-profits, including “social” organizations that can engage in political activity, to hide their donors’ identities:

Jul 12, 2018 Press Release
Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi held her weekly press conference today in the Capitol Visitor Center.  Below are the Leader’s remarks: 
Leader Pelosi Opening Remarks. 

Leader Pelosi.  Good morning. 

This week the President announced his Supreme Court nominee, who will seek to reverse generations of progress for Americans' health care and for Roe v. Wade. 

Jul 9, 2018 Press Release
Contact: Ashley Etienne/Henry Connelly, 202-226-7616

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the Trump Administration announced over the weekend that it was suspending for the time being critical risk adjustment payments, cynically and incorrectly alleging that their decision was required by a court decision, which will increase premiums in both the individual and small group markets: