Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster

Representing the 2nd District of New Hampshire
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Ending Sexual Violence

Sexual violence cuts across party lines and affects women, men, and families in every single part of this country. It’s also an issue that’s deeply personal for me. Last year, for the first time, I shared my own experiences with sexual violence. Doing so was not easy. The stigma that surrounds this issue has silenced many survivors, but it's long past time we shatter that silence.

In April, I launched the Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence with my colleagues and co-chairs, Representatives Jackie Speier (CA-14) and David Joyce (OH-14). The task force will drive legislation and policy that will support survivors of sexual assault and educate our fellow members of Congress as well as the public about how we can end this persistent problem.

Areas of the Task Force’s focus include: K-12 education, college campus safety, the rape kit backlog, military sexual trauma, ending online harassment, improved data and collection, and law enforcement training.  Throughout the rest of the 115th Congress, the Task Force will be holding hearings on its areas of focus, developing and releasing a legislative agenda, and hosting educational briefings for staff and Members to raise awareness about the primary policy issues related to sexual violence. 

I am a long-time advocate for survivors. Earlier this year, I hosted a panel discussion about sexual violence at the US Capitol featuring three brave women: Julia Dixon, Delaney Henderson, and Chessy Prout. I am proud to use my platform to help amplify the voices of other survivors.

There are also legislative actions Congress can take to help end sexual violence. Last year, I partnered with Congresswoman Speier to introduce the Safe Transfer Act, which would require the inclusion of information about sexual assault on college transcripts. We also introduced the Hold Accountable and Lend Transparency on (HALT) Campus Sexual Violence Act which would require the Department of Education to publicly disclose schools that are under federal Title IX investigation, as well as strengthen penalties for schools that are in violation, among other reforms. 

If you, or someone you know, is struggling with sexual violence or harassment, the following resources can provide support and guidance:

New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence

(603) 224-8893

National Sexual Assault Hotline 
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

More on Ending Sexual Violence

Dec 14, 2018 Catching up with Annie

Dear Friend, 

Investing in Agriculture and Rural Development

Dec 13, 2018 Press Release

(Washington, DC) – Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02), the founder and co-chair of the Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence, announced her support for a bipartisan agreement on reforms to the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995. Following the resignations of more than a half-dozen members of Congress over sexual misconduct allegations, Rep.

Nov 30, 2018 Catching up with Annie

Dear Friend,

Putting Veterans’ Interests First 

Nov 29, 2018 Press Release

Washington, DC – Today, the leadership of the Democratic Women’s Working Group (DWWG), Representatives Jackie Speier (CA-14), Lois Frankel (FL-21), and Brenda Lawrence (MI-14), as well as Representative Annie Kuster (NH-02) and 76 of their House colleagues sent a letter to Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos condemning her recently proposed rule for Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (Title IX).

Nov 19, 2018 Press Release

(Concord, NH) – Today at the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (NHCADSV) headquarters, Representative Annie Kuster (NH-02) and U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) joined survivor advocates from the NHCADSV, the University of New Hampshire Prevention Innovations Research Center, Keene State College, Colby Sawyer College, Plymouth State University, and Rivier University to highlight the potential negative impacts of the proposed changes to Title IX announced on Friday by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

Nov 19, 2018 Event

(Concord, NH) – Today at the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (NHCADSV) headquarters, Representative Annie Kuster (NH-02) and U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) joined survivor advocates from the NHCADSV, the University of New Hampshire Prevention Innovations Research Center, Keene State College, Colby Sawyer College, Plymouth State University, and Rivier University to highlight the potential negative impacts of the proposed changes to Title IX announced on Friday by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

Nov 16, 2018 Catching up with Annie

At the Veterans Day Ceremony at NH State Veterans Cemetery 

Dear Jenni,

Supporting Those Who Serve

Nov 16, 2018 Press Release

(Washington, DC) - Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on proposed changes to Title IX announced today by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. The changes include narrowing the definition of sexual harassment, establishing a higher legal standard on which to hold schools accountable for ignoring wrongdoing, and constraining the purview schools have to investigate accusations against students.

Nov 15, 2018 Press Release

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Congresswomen Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01) and Annie Kuster (NH-02) announced an additional $2,441,735 in grants from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office on Violence Against Women.

Oct 15, 2018 Press Release

Washington, DC - Today, on the one-year anniversary of the #MeToo movement going viral, Congresswomen Annie Kuster (NH-02), Lois Frankel (FL-21), Brenda Lawrence (MI-14), and Jackie Speier (CA-14) urged Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to swiftly arrange meetings and fully engage with survivors of campus sexual violence before formally proposing new regulations governing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Secretary DeVos announced the Trump Administration’s decision to revoke Obama Administration guidelines to schools on September 7, 2017.