Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Minimum Wage

Over the last couple of years, we've created millions of new jobs - but as one Northern Minnesotan put it, "It's a good thing there are so many new jobs out there... because you need two or three of them just to make a living!" 

As I travel through the 8th District, time and time again I see people working two or three jobs, just to pay the mortgage or rent, to buy the groceries to feed their family, or gasoline for the car to drive their kids to school. The sad truth is that these hardworking men and women are so often at work, they barely get to see the family they work so hard to provide for. All because our federal minimum wage is simply not enough to live on.

To that end, I joined 196 of my colleagues in cosponsoring H.R.1010, the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013, to increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour. This would happen over a period of three years, and would be indexed to inflation each year thereafter. This bill would also increase the required cash wage for tipped workers in annual 85-cent increments, from today's $2.13 per hour until the tip credit reaches 70 percent of the regular minimum wage. 

Today's national minimum wage is harming our working families - and it's unfair to workers. An honest day's work is entitled to a living wage, and hardworking Americans in Minnesota and across our nation deserve certainty.

Watch me speak from the House Floor in support of giving Americans a pay raise:

Click the image above to watch Congressman Nolan speak in support of raising the federal minimum wage.

More on Minimum Wage

Nov 28, 2018 the Monday Report

Endless Wars of Choice Are Bankrupting Our Nation - The New Congress Must Put a Stop to Them


Nov 16, 2017 Press Release

U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan today released the following statement regarding the Republican tax plan, H.R.1, which gives enormous tax breaks to the super-rich and big corporations while raising taxes on middle-class Minnesota families.


Jul 6, 2015 Video
Aug 1, 2014 Video

Congressman Nolan took to the floor to urge the Speaker to take up H.R. 1010 to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour and rebuild the middle class.

Sep 12, 2013 Video

Rep. Nolan spoke on the House Floor about our desperate need to start rebuilding America by reinvesting in our middle class, starting by raising the minimum wage and rebuilding our infrastructure to generate good-paying jobs and creating opportunity and success for everyone by going after unfair tax and trade policy.