Congressman Rick Nolan

Representing the 8th District of Minnesota
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Health Care

On March 23rd, 2010, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, providing coverage to 129 million Americans with pre-existing conditions, allowing students to stay on their parents' plans a little longer, saving senior citizens money by addressing the donut hole in Medicare, providing tax credits for working families and small businesses, and guaranteeing that women pay the same as men for health insurance. The law has already put money back in the pockets of millions of Americans, including the 190,000 residents of Minnesota's 8th District - some 39,000 children and 137,000 seniors - who are now eligible for health insurance or Medicare without co-pay, coinsurance, or deductible.

I am a Co-Chair of the Congressional Lung Cancer Caucus. Click here to learn more. 

The Affordable Care Act is an important first step, not the last, in our nation's quest for providing Americans with the assurance, security, and the peace of mind that accompanies quality, low-cost health care.

Affordable Care Act Fix

With that in mind, I have offered a bipartisan, common-sense solution to fix a burdensome cost associated with the Affordable Care Act - a bill I authored called the Health Care Fairness and Flexibility Act. Introduced in the 113th Congress with Rep. David McKinley (R-WV), it would implement a 3-year delay in the ACA's "transitional reinsurance program" that would force additional costs onto working families - and subjected employers who self-insure to expensive insurance fees. This program was designed to steady the cost of health care premiums for individuals in the exchanges, funded by charging all insurers a flat fee, even though the employees of self-insuring companies - including unions and many large businesses - don't benefit from this program. Our bill addresses this problem by delaying the fee, without delaying the program itself, giving employers more flexibility and time to comply with the law, and putting money back in the pockets of hardworking middle-class families. 

More on Health Care

Dec 3, 2018 the Monday Report

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Thank you!

Mary and I are looking forward to returning to Minnesota life, spending more time with our children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors. 

Dear Friend, 

Nov 5, 2018 the Monday Report

GOP Plans to Cut Social Security and Medicare Are Real - And They Must be Stopped

These seniors clearly understand what GOP leaders fail to recognize: Social Security and Medicare are not “entitlements.” They are earned benefits we pay into from our very first day on the job - and they are not to be used to pay for tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires and wealthy corporations. 

Oct 29, 2018 the Monday Report

$922 Million Authorized for New Soo Lock at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan 

Project is vital to our national economy and our national security – and a major win for Minnesota miners, businesses, and farmers whose products move through the Great Lakes chain to manufacturers and suppliers all the way up the St. Lawrence Seaway.


Oct 1, 2018 the Monday Report

Nolan's Airline Consumer Rights Measures Pass House as Part of FAA Reauthorization Bill 

Bill also includes Nolan's amendment to help community airports expand service to new areas


Sep 28, 2018 Press Release

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) Congressman Rick Nolan (MN-08) announced today that the U.S. House of Representatives had passed his bipartisan provision to allow pharmacists and physicians to team up and ensure that patients can safely receive new, long-lasting implantable or injectable forms of treatment medication to help with their recovery from opioid addiction.

Jul 26, 2018 Press Release

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – A 2016 Minnesota law that, in certain circumstances, limits how far the state can go in attempting to recover Medicaid costs from an estate after the death of a recipient would expand to cover the entire nation under legislation introduced today by U.S. Rep. Rick Nolan.

Jul 3, 2018 Press Release

[WASHINGTON D.C.] The U.S. House of Representatives today passed Congressman Rick Nolan’s bipartisan amendment adding $6 million for lung cancer research programs at the Department of Defense. The measure restores research funding levels from $14 million back to the original $20 million figure Congress approved in 2009.

Jul 3, 2018 the Monday Report

Nolan Amendment Boosts Pentagon's Lung Cancer Research Program to $20 Million for 2019

Nolan Lung Cancer Amendment

Dear Friend,